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已经明确幽门螺杆菌[HP]与慢性胃炎,消化性溃疡有高度相关性。但HP与残胃各病变的关系研究尚少。我院近两年在残胃胃镜检查时取粘膜组织标本显微镜下查HP55例,以分析HP与残胃病变之关系。一般资料 (1)55例中男53例,女2例,年龄33-74岁,平均56.7岁。手术原因:溃疡病27例,胃癌23例,贲门癌5例。 (2)HP检查法:55例皆在胃镜检查时分别在吻合口和残胃处用活栓钳取粘膜组织,福尔马林固定送病理科切片,美兰染色后显微镜下查HP。 It has been demonstrated that Helicobacter pylori [HP] is highly correlated with chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers. However, there are few studies on the relationship between HP and residual lesions. In our hospital in the past two years in the residual gastroscopy examination to take the mucosal tissue specimen under the microscope to check HP55 cases to analyze the relationship between HP and residual gastric lesions. General Information (1) 55 cases of 53 males and 2 females, aged 33-74 years, mean 56.7 years old. Surgical causes: 27 cases of ulcer disease, 23 cases of gastric cancer, and 5 cases of cardiac cancer. (2) HP examination: In the 55 cases, the mucosal tissues were taken from the anastomotic stump and the remnant stomach at the time of gastroscopy. The mucosal tissue was taken with a biopsy forceps. Formalin was sent to the pathology section and the HP scan was performed under a microscope.
本文就133例食管癌及贲门癌的外科治疗进行分析讨论,近13年食管癌及贲门癌病例相对增多,切除率增高,死亡率及吻合口瘘管发生率降低,笔者提出几点经验与体会。 This article
肺母细胞瘤是一种罕见的肺恶性混合瘤,国内外报道不多,我院收治1例,报告如下: 患者刘某,男,13岁。主诉:反复干咳1年余。胸片示右肺上叶后尖段1.2cm×1.2cm圆形阴影,边缘光滑
美国《现代轮胎经销商》(www.moderntiredealer.com)2011年1月10日报道:米其林北美公司为其米其林X-Ice Xi2和Latitude X-Ice Xi2系列冬季轮胎提供64000km胎面磨耗里程保证。
我院自1984年4月至1992年4月间,做甲状腺扫描数千余例,其中经手术病理证实的甲状腺单发结节353例,现总结分析如下: 临床资料 In our hospital from April 1984 to April 19