Evaluation of Morphology-Stable Critical Size of KNbO_3 Crystals

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigsoul
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Skeletal form of KNbO3 crystals growing in Li2B4O7 solvent was in-situ observed at 900℃ and it was found that shallow depression started to develop on the surface of KNbO3 crystals when the crystal size exceeded several micron, typically 7 micron. Based on the quantitative criterion derived by Chernov, the estimated critical size of KNbO3 crystals was 1 micron, which was consistent with the experimental measurement. The kinetic coefficients, kcorner and kcr, in the criterion were experimentally obtained in the diffusive-convective and diffusive-advective flow states respectively. Skeletal form of KNbO3 crystals growing in Li2B4O7 solvent was in-situ observed at 900 ° C and it was found that shallow depression started to develop on the surface of KNbO3 crystals when the crystal size exceeded several microns, typically 7 micron. Based on the quantitative criterion derived by Chernov, the estimated critical size of KNbO3 crystals was 1 micron, which was consistent with the experimental measurement. The kinetic coefficients, kcorner and kcr, in the criterion were experimentally obtained in the diffusive-convective and diffusive-advective flow states respectively.
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为评价2#天然气处理站脱硫装置的效能,按国家标准对该装置的脱硫情况进行现场监测,从监测结果看出,该装置达到了设计要求。 In order to evaluate the performance of 2 # n
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