Rotating magnetic beacons magnetic field strength size in SAGD

来源 :机械工程前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xylzsh
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Rotation magnetic beacons magnetic field strength is very important to drill parallel horizontal twin wells in steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD). This paper analyzes a small magnet with a diameter of 25.4mm. At each end, there is a length of 12.6mm with permanent magnet, and in the middle, there is a length of 78mm with magnetic materials. The magnetic field strength generated by the magnetic material of 1J12, 1J50, and 1J79 is analyzed, respectively. ANSOFT software is used to simulate the magnetic field strength generated by different magnetic materials above, which also be tested through experimental methods. The comparison of the simulation and experimental results show that experimental and simulation results are basically consistent, and the results can meet the specific requirements of engineering applications.
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