玉米小斑病菌(Helminthosporium maydis)对不同细胞质玉米专化性的研究

来源 :河北农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cclongman
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本试验的结果表明,玉米小斑菌中有的菌株在一对或少数几对同核异质的不育系和保持系上,可以表现为 T 或 C 不育系,比相应的正常细胞质保持系明显感病,而在多对(10对)同核异质的 C 不育系和保持系上却没有发现任何一个菌株能使全部供试的10个 C 不育系都比相应的正常细胞质保持系明显感病。相反,在菌株与寄主的118个组合中,有5%组合的保持系比不育系感病,63.6%个组合的不育系与保持系的病情无明显差异,而不育系比保持系明显感病的组合只占31.4%。这个事实说明,小斑菌中是否真正存在对 C 型雄性不育细胞质专化致病的类群以及由此而提出的根据对雄性不育细胞质的专化鉴别生理小种的方法都需要重新商榷。应该指出,在试验的菌株与寄主的118个组合中,约有1/3组合的 C 不育系比相应的正常细胞质保持系明显感病,这一点在我们今后利用 C 不育系时,即使还未发现 C 小种,也应引起高度重视。 The results of this experiment showed that some of the strains of M.tumefaciens could be expressed as T or C CMS in one pair or a few pairs of isonuclear CMS lines and maintainer lines and maintained above the corresponding normal cytoplasm Were significantly susceptible, whereas none of the 10 CMS lines and maintainer lines found in pairs (10 pairs) of heteronuclear C fertile lines could make all of the 10 CMS lines tested compared with the corresponding normal cytoplasm Maintain the Department of obvious illness. In contrast, among the 118 combinations of strains and hosts, there was no significant difference between the maintainer lines of 5% combination and the maintainer lines of 63.6% Apparently susceptible combination accounted for only 31.4%. This fact indicates that whether there is a real genus of P. monocytogenes in C-type male sterility cytoplasm and the method of identifying the physiological races based on male sterility cytoplasm should be renegotiated. It should be noted that in about 118 combinations of the tested strains and hosts, about one-third of the C-CMS lines were significantly susceptible to the corresponding normal cytoplasmic maintainer lines, which is why, in our future use of CMS lines, C minor species have not yet been found, it should also be highly valued.
柿棉蚧(Acanthococcus kaki kuwana)在国内分布较广,但主要发生为害区在我国北方各省。它是一种单食性害虫,只危害柿树,严重地影响柿子的产量和品质;由于以往缺少对该害虫的
埃及的棉花在整个生育期受各种虫害和病害的为害。为害较重的害虫主要有:棉叶夜蛾 Spodoptera littoralis(Boisduval),红铃虫 Pectinophora gossypiella(Saund-ers)和棉铃虫
实验室内用杀虫剂对昆虫进行选择性试验成功地培养出抗性品系的例子有好几个,经遗传分析结果表明是多基因遗传所致,其中最著名的例子是黄猩猩果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)