抓重点 讲实效 做好粮改执法监察工作——陈昌智副部长就有关问题答本刊记者问

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3月23日,监察部等7部门在北京联合召开电视电话会,对开展粮食流通体制改革情况执法监察工作作出部署后,各省区市、各有关部门十分重视,正在按照7部门的要求组织实施.由于粮改工作涉及许多方面,情况比较复杂,4月19日,监察部等7部门又在合肥召开了11个产粮大省的监察厅长和执法监察室主任会议,就有关问题作了交流和研究.会上,监察部副部长陈昌智就实施粮改执法监察工作几个值得注意的问题,回答了本刊记者的提问.问:粮改执法监察的目的是要保证“三项政策”的落实,那么执法监察中如何促进按保护价敞开收购农民余粮政策的贯彻落实呢?答:按保护价敞开收购农民的余粮是粮食流通体制改革政策的核心,也是用经济的手段来管理粮食收购市场的具体表现,它有利于国有粮食收储企业掌握粮源,可以说,敞开收购是顺价销售的基础环节.在这次执法监察中,首先,要对粮食定购价和保护价的制定进行监督.定购价和保护价按中央要求只能由省、区、市政府制定,县政府无权制定.我们要督促省区市政府按照国务院确定的原则,及早制定并向农民公布粮食定购价和保护价,合理安排季节差价和质量差价,以价格引导农民安排生产.对越权出台粮食收购价格的行为,一经发现必须严肃纠正和查处. On March 23, 7 departments such as the Ministry of Supervision jointly held a teleconference in Beijing and made arrangements for the implementation of the law enforcement inspection on the reform of the grain circulation system. All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and all relevant departments attached great importance to it and are now implementing the plan in accordance with the requirements of the 7 departments Since many aspects of the food reform work are complicated, on April 19, 7 departments such as the Ministry of Supervision held another meeting of chief inspectors and law enforcement officers of 11 large grain-producing provinces in Hefei, and made relevant deliberations on the relevant issues Exchange and research.At the meeting, the Deputy Minister of Supervision Chen Changzhi on the implementation of food law enforcement and supervision of a number of noteworthy issues, answering questions of our correspondents Q: The purpose of food law enforcement monitoring is to ensure that the “three policies” How to promote the implementation of the policy of opening farmer’s surplus grain at the protection price? Answer: The open purchase of farmer’s surplus grain at the protection price is the core of the grain circulation reform policy, and it is also an economic means to manage the grain purchase The specific performance of the market, it is conducive to state-owned grain storage and storage companies to grasp the grain source, it can be said that the open acquisition is the basis of Shun sales .In this law enforcement inspection, First of all, we should supervise the formulation of the purchase price and the protection price of grain, and the purchase price and the protection price can only be set by the provincial, district and municipal governments according to the central requirements, and the county government has no right to formulate .We urge the provincial and municipal governments to decide according to the State Council , Formulate and issue grain purchase price and protection price to farmers as soon as possible and arrange seasonal difference and quality difference rationally so as to guide peasants to arrange their production at a price.The behavior of purchasing over-the-counter grain price should be seriously corrected and investigated.
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本刊讯 1991年,全国检察机关立案查处企业事业单位重大责任事故案件4102件,对控制事故的发生起到了巨大影响。在已经查处的案件中,死亡3人以上或直接经济损失10万元以上的重