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某果品公司所属批零商店承包人携带某贸易公司提供的葵花耔样品,以批零商店名义与某供销社签订了一份购销合同。合同规定:批零商店向供销社提供葵花籽50吨,总价款44000元。签约后,该承包人将合同交给贸易公司。贸易公司以自己的名义先后两次向供销社共发葵花籽50余吨。其间,供销社曾就交货时间及葵花耔质量问题向批零商店提出过异议,而批零商店未予回复。嗣后,贸易公司先后通过银行托收并派员要求供销社支付价款,但供销社以合同系与批零商店签订,与贸易公司无法律关系为由拒付。供销社 A wholesale and retail shop contractor owned by a fruit company carried a sample of sunflower sprout from a trading company and signed a purchase and sales contract with a supply and marketing agency on behalf of the wholesaler or wholesaler. Contract: Wholesale and retail stores to the supply and marketing cooperatives to provide 50 tons of sunflower seeds, the total price of 44,000 yuan. After the contract, the contractor will be the contract to the trading company. Trading company in its own name twice in succession to the supply and marketing cooperatives more than 50 tons of sunflower seeds. In the meantime, the supply and marketing cooperatives have raised objections to the wholesale and retail outlets regarding the delivery time and the quality of sunflower leaves, while the retail outlets have not replied. Subsequently, the trading company has collected through the bank and dispatched staff to ask the supply and marketing cooperatives to pay the price, but the supply and marketing cooperatives signed the contract with the wholesale and retail stores, and no legal relationship with the trading company to refuse to pay. Supply and marketing cooperatives
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<正> 尊敬的会议主席克罗曼教授和曾宪义教授, 尊敬的各位院长、教授,女士们、先生们、朋友们: 中国古代教育家孔夫子说:"有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎"。值此克林顿总统即将访华之际,在我国著名的中国人民大学法学院,举行了中美著名法学院院长联席会议暨"中美法学教育的未来"研讨会,请允许我代表中华人民共和国教育部,祝贺会议圆满成功,向远道前来参加会议的耶鲁大学、哈佛大学、斯坦福大学、哥伦比亚大学、密执安大学和纽约大学、纽约市立大学、乔治敦大学、印第安纳大学的美国大学法学院的院长、教授,向作为我国法学教