Comparison of neurological clinical manifestation in patients with hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke

来源 :World Journal of Emergency Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:watta515
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BACKGROUND: Cerebrovascular accident(CVA) is the third leading cause of death and disability in developed countries. Anyone suspected of having a stroke should be taken immediately to a medical facility for diagnosis and treatment. The symptoms that follow a stroke aren’t signi? cant and depend on the area of the brain that has been affected and the amount of tissue damaged. Parameters for predicting long-term outcome in such patients have not been clearly delineated, therefore the aim of this study was to investigate this possibility and to test a system that might practicably be used routinely to aid management and predict outcomes of individual stroke patients.METHODS: A descriptive hospital-based study of the neurological symptoms and signs of 503 patients with ischemic stroke, including severe headache, seizure, eye movement disorder, pupil size, Glasgow Coma Scale(GCS), agitation were analyzed in this study.RESULTS: In the current study, dilated pupils, agitation, acute onset headache, lower GCS score, seizure, and eye gaze impairment had signi? cantly higher prevalence in hemorrhagic stroke patients(P<0.001). However, the rate of gradual progressive headache is significantly higher in ischemic stroke patients(P<0.001).CONCLUSION: Although this result provides reliable indicators for discrimination of stroke types, imaging studies are still the gold standard modality for diagnosis. BACKGROUND: Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is the third leading cause of death and disability in developed countries. Anyone suspected of having a stroke should be taken immediately to a medical facility for diagnosis and treatment. The symptoms that follow a stroke are not signi? cant and depend on the area the the brain that has been been affected and the amount of tissue damaged. Parameters for predicting long-term outcome in such patients have not been clearly delineated, therefore the aim of this study was to investigate this possibility and to test a system that might practicably be used routinely to aid management and predict outcomes of individual stroke patients. METHHODS: A descriptive hospital-based study of the neurological symptoms and signs of 503 patients with ischemic stroke, including severe headache, seizure, eye movement disorder, pupil size, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), agitation were analyzed in this study .RESULTS: In the current study, dilated pupils, agitation, acute onset hea dache, lower GCS score, seizure, and eye gaze impairment had signi? cantly higher prevalence in hemorrhagic stroke patients (P <0.001). However, the rate of gradual progressive headache is significantly higher in ischemic stroke patients (P <0.001) .CONCLUSION : Although this result provides reliable indicators for discrimination of stroke types, imaging studies are still the gold standard modality for diagnosis.
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那是片荒废已久的麦田。看着眼前杂草丛生的落魄景象,我依旧能回想起几年前这里麦浪翻滚的画面,可现在却一片死寂。  三月淅淅沥沥的春雨湿润了土地,像针一般在土地上刺出一个个细小的泥孔,明明是暖春的绵雨,在这片荒地却显得异常肃杀清冷。空中夹着泥土的芳香,却透着墓地的氛围,刺骨地冷,冷到内心。  暖风已经吹开了周遭地区的花苞,掺杂着风信子清香的微风抚开了湿润的泥土。一棵嫩嫩的绿色小脑袋露出地面,缓缓撑开两
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婆婆跟亲妈毕竟是两回事。有很多事,婆婆恐怕在心里暴跳如雷地骂了你成百上千遍,可她老人家就是不说出来让你知道。你奈她何?  你最终会知道,如果你遇上一个肯念叨你、敲打你、说你这不对那不对——其实就是不跟你见外的婆婆,那还真是你前世修来的福气。  不过,婆婆毕竟是你生活中不得不直面的人。再会隐藏感受的婆婆,你也得学着读懂她的心思。有些话,不管她说出来还是藏在心里,你都得有个应对之法。  婆婆心声:笨儿