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记得《红楼梦》里,各种家族利益的算计投机,可谓是琳琅满目,但等到危机来临的时候,贾府内所有源于另有图谋的婚姻大多凋零破败,在大难临头的时候,唯有宝玉黛玉,就算没有结婚成为夫妻,却也是心中满满的幸福踏实,收获了人生。其实艺术收藏与投资,亦是同理。在席卷全球的金融风暴来临的时候,没有哪一个环节,哪一个产业,哪一个人能够独善其身。我们组织了一个由艺术投资专家、画廊经营者、艺术评论家和国际艺术投资顾问/美籍华裔画家参加的小型研讨会,以各自不同的视野与立场,纵论金融危机背景下艺术市场的战略判断,战术对策,并探求艺术收藏的真谛。在当代艺术虚火暴窜的时候,任何劝阻这列狂奔列车缓行的,都会被视为立场保守而被投机者远离。现在,市场泡沫进裂,投机者开始品尝苦果,也应该有足够的耐心来解读各方立场。正如当年的虚火没有浇灭传统艺术的土壤一样,当代艺术也不会因为今日的虚火而丧亡,投资事业也不会因为投机失败而不再繁荣。收藏与投资,传统与当代,理应各得其所,守住自己的本分与价值。这才是未来艺术市场繁荣的希望之所在…… I remember “Dream of Red Mansions”, the calculation of all kinds of family interests speculation, can be described as dazzling, but until the crisis comes, all within the government from all other conspiracy of the marriage dying mostly dilapidated, in the midst of disaster, only Baoyu Daiyu, Even if not married to become a couple, but it is full of happiness and steadfastness, gaining a life. In fact, art collection and investment are the same. When the global financial crisis is approaching, there is no link, no industry and no one can stay ahead of others. We organized a small seminar involving art investment experts, gallery operators, art critics and international art investment consultants / Chinese American painters to discuss the strategies of the art market under the financial crisis in different perspectives and positions Judgment, tactics, and explore the true meaning of art collection. Any attempt to discourage the runaway train from running rampant in contemporary art will be regarded as a conservative move away from the speculators. Now that the market bubble breaks down and speculators start to taste the bitter fruit, there should be enough patience to interpret the positions of all parties. Just as the virtual fire of the year did not pour out the soil of traditional art, the contemporary art would not be fooled by the virtual fire of today, nor will the investment boom prosper because of speculative defeat. Collection and investment, traditional and contemporary, should be their own, hold their own duty and value. This is where the future of art market prosperity hope ...
党的“十六大”提出了制定“国家中长期科学和技术发展规划”的战略性任务 ,这对于促进我国科技进步、推动经济建设和社会全面发展 ,实现全面建设小康社会的目标具有十分重要