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目的:研究红三叶草异黄酮对去卵巢大鼠血脂及骨量的影响。方法:将体质量250±10g雌性大鼠随机分为5组:假手术组(灌胃蒸馏水)、模型组(灌胃蒸馏水)、雌激素组(乙烯雌酚)、红三叶草异黄酮处理组(高、低剂量)。除假手术组外,其他各组均切除双侧卵巢,假手术组行相同手术操作,但不切除卵巢。各组动物均在相同的环境中饲养,自由摄食和饮水,造模1周后开始喂药。实验8周后对大鼠双股骨骨密度和骨矿含量进行检测,心脏取血测定血脂并计算动脉粥样硬化指数。结果:与模型组比较,红三叶草异黄酮高剂量组能够增加去卵巢大鼠骨密度、骨矿含量;随红三叶草异黄酮剂量的增加大鼠血清HDL-胆固醇有升高趋势,并有降低总胆固醇、甘油三脂、LDL-胆固醇和AI的作用。结论:红三叶草异黄酮不仅可以维持去卵巢大鼠骨密度,而且具有调节血脂的功能,对骨和心血管系统具有良好的保护作用。 Objective: To study the effects of red clover isoflavones on blood lipids and bone mass in ovariectomized rats. METHODS: Female rats weighing 250±10 g were randomly divided into five groups: sham operation group (distilled distilled water), model group (distilled distilled water), estrogen group (estradiol), and red clover isoflavone treatment group ( High and low dose). Except for the sham group, all other groups were excised with bilateral ovaries. The sham operation group performed the same operation but did not remove the ovaries. Animals in each group were reared in the same environment, and they were fed and fed freely. One week after the model was established, the animals were given medication. Biweekly bone mineral density and bone mineral content were measured in rats after 8 weeks of experiment. Heart blood was taken to measure blood lipids and atherosclerosis index was calculated. Results: Compared with the model group, the red clover isoflavone high-dose group can increase the bone mineral density and bone mineral content in ovariectomized rats. With the increase of the red clover isoflavone dose, the serum HDL-cholesterol level in rats increased, and there was a decrease in the total. The effects of cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-cholesterol, and AI. Conclusion: Red clover isoflavone can not only maintain the bone density of ovariectomized rats, but also has the function of regulating blood lipids, and it has a good protective effect on bone and cardiovascular system.
雨季施农药 ,因受降雨影响 ,不仅浪费农药 ,而且会贻误防治适期 ,导致病虫成灾 ,作物减产。为了充分发挥药效 ,有效地控制病、虫、草的危害 ,对雨季施药可采取以下办法。1 
目的探讨吴茱萸碱(evodiamine,EVO)刺激的负载脊髓匀浆蛋白(homogenate protein of spinal cord,hp)树突状细胞(hpDCevo)对小鼠脊髓损伤(spinal cord injury,SCI)的促修复作
1997年以来,滦南县春玉米受小青花潜、白星金龟子危害日趋严重。 据调查:这两种金龟子均以成虫取食花器危害为主。在春玉米雌穗吐丝期,咬食花丝,进而危害嫩玉米粒,造成秃尖。玉米穗易
试图在水稻抛栽前用锐劲特一次性喷于盘秧 ,探索其对整造本田害虫的防治效果 ,以降低农民的用药成本 ,减少施药次数 ,保护生态环境 ,特作本试验。1 材料与方法1.1 试验田选