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目前豆粕价格已跌至今年以来的最低价位。豆粕跌幅从北往南依次递增,上一周,黑龙江跌幅在50元/吨左右.而广东则高达250元/吨.市场具体情况如下:东北地区:黑龙日集贤地区豆粕报价已经跌落到2500元/吨左右.较前周下跌50元/吨左右.成交价格最低已有2450元/吨:辽宁大连地区报价在2650元/吨左右,较前周跌100元/吨.成交价格在2600-2620元/吨,沈阳地区成交价格在2580-2600元/吨左右,本地豆源比较紧张.还没有开始大量收购大豆。加之豆粕、豆油行情低迷,某些油厂暂时停工待产。 华北地区:河北秦皇岛地区报价跌落到2600元/吨,较前周下跌140元/吨;北京地区油厂报价在2650元/吨左右.目前当地市场比较混乱,豆粕成交情况一般。 山东地区:日照、烟台地区豆粕报价在2630元/吨左右,较前周下跌170元/吨左右,成交价格己经跌落到2600元/吨附近;滨州地区成交价格也下跌到了2600元/吨左右.目前部分小型饲料厂陆续采购豆粕,但市场总体成交情况依然不旺。 川陕地区:四川成都地区豆粕价格已经从上周的3100元/吨跌落至2800元/吨:陕西西安地区成交价格也从上周的2980元/吨跌落至2650元/吨. The current soybean meal prices have dropped to the lowest price this year. Soybean meal decline in increasing order from north to south, last week, Heilongjiang decline in 50 yuan / ton, while Guangdong is as high as 250 yuan / ton market specific as follows: Northeast Region: Black Dragon Jixian soybean meal quotations have dropped to 2,500 yuan / Ton.Compared with the previous week down 50 yuan / ton.Trading price has the lowest 2450 yuan / ton: Dalian, Liaoning area offer at 2650 yuan / ton, down 100 yuan / ton from the previous week. The transaction price at 2600-2620 Yuan / ton, Shenyang transaction price in 2580-2600 yuan / ton, the local bean source is relatively tight. Has not yet started a large number of acquisitions of soybeans. Coupled with soybean meal, soybean oil market downturn, some oil plants temporarily suspended for production. North China: Qinhuangdao, Hebei area offer dropped to 2,600 yuan / ton, down 140 yuan / ton compared with the previous week; Beijing oil mill quoted at 2,650 yuan / ton.Currently the local market is more chaotic, soybean meal transactions in general. Shandong: Rizhao, Yantai soybean meal quoted at 2630 yuan / ton, down 170 yuan / ton from the previous week, the transaction price has dropped to 2,600 yuan / ton; Binzhou area transaction price also dropped to 2,600 yuan / ton At present, some small feed mills successively purchase soybean meal, but the overall market turnover is still not good. Sichuan and Shaanxi: Sichuan Chengdu, soybean meal prices have dropped from last week’s 3,100 yuan / ton to 2,800 yuan / ton: Xi’an, Shaanxi, transaction prices from last week’s 2980 yuan / ton dropped to 2,650 yuan / ton.
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《水口山炼沿法》是在总结国内外炼铅技术基础上提出的具有我国特色的新工艺, 系国家重点科研攻关项目。从1985年至今已进行了四次热调试试验,一些关键性设备和备料系统、氧
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