物理学家。辽宁省新民市人。1964年毕业于中国科学技术大学技术物理系。1987年当选为第三世界科学院院士。1991年当选为中国科学院院士。现任中国科学院物理研究所研究员、超导国家重点实验室学术委员会主任。赵院士一直从事低温与超导研究,1976年开始从事探索高温超导电性研究,1987年参与发现了液氮温区超导体。 赵院士热心青少年的科普事业,2001年、2002年连续两年欣然担任“宋庆龄少年儿童发明奖”评赵忠贤院士选专家,并在百忙中与小发明家座谈。他对小发明家的谆谆教诲和殷切希望,使小发明家备受鼓舞和启发。
physicist. Xinmin City, Liaoning Province. 1964 graduated from the Department of Technical Physics, University of Science and Technology of China. In 1987 was elected to the Third World Academy of Sciences. In 1991 was elected academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Incumbent Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, director of the State Key Laboratory of superconductivity academic committee. Academician Zhao has been engaged in low temperature and superconductivity studies. Since 1976, he has been engaged in the exploration of high-temperature superconductivity. In 1987, he participated in the discovery of liquid nitrogen temperature superconductors. Academician ZHAO enthusiastically contributes to the science popularization of young people. In 2001 and 2002, he was appraised as an expert by the academician of “Song Qingling Children and Children Invention Award” for two consecutive years in 2002 and discussed with small inventors on his busy schedule. His indoctrination and earnest hope for little inventors have encouraged little inventors.