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初中地理课堂教学“探究化”设计的目的在于通过设计出富有探究性的问题情境,使学生产生强烈的求知欲望,乐于探究并且能够探究。设计的关键在于要把握探究形成的动因:新异的现象、认知冲突、强烈的情感体验、与学生生活发生联系;其次是探究的运行条件:大胆的想象与猜想、提供探究的支架,如文字、地图、景观图片、地理图表等素材;最后,针对较为抽象的地理问题还要设计操作性探究支架,包括地理演示、地理实验、地理制作等。探究化的问题情境创设要着眼于以下要素:用新颖素材吸引学生,制造认知冲突,激发情感的体验,联系学生生 The purpose of junior high school geography classroom teaching “inquiry ” design is to enable students to have a strong desire to seek knowledge, be willing to explore and be able to explore through the design of a rich questioning problem situation. The key to the design is to grasp the motivation for the formation of inquiry: new exotic phenomenon, cognitive conflict, strong emotional experience, and student life; secondly, the operating conditions of inquiry: bold imagination and conjecture, Text, maps, landscape pictures, geographical charts and other materials. Finally, the operational exploration framework is designed for the more abstract geographical issues, including geographical demonstration, geographical experiment and geography. To explore the issue of the situation Set to focus on the following elements: to attract new students with creative materials, create cognitive conflicts, stimulate emotional experience, contact students
A series of vanadyl pyrophosphate catalyst (VPO) modified by different additives have been prepared with the aim to study the performance for selective conversi
The method of molecular dynamics simulation is carried out to simulate the KGM segment in solution, investigate the stable conformation and compute its energy,
近年来 ,欧盟纺织品服装的进口明显减少。这一点从进口额的增长数据可以反映出来 :2 0 0 0年进口额增长 16.1% ,2 0 0 1年增长 4.5 % ,到 2 0 0 2年则下跌了 0 .3 % ,为 65 0
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Many attempts have been made to control the regioselectivity for olefin poly- merization by varying the structures of ligands in catalysts. The regioselectivity
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