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随着八一火箭的再次掠冠而归,CBA最后的悬念也跟着不攻自破。或许这并不能称其为悬念,自从中国篮球实行职业化以来,八一队就始终盘踞CBA的龙头地位不倒。尽管CBA诸强觊觎王位抢班夺权的念头非只一日。但整体实力上的不济也屡屡让他们的美梦成空。久而久之,这几乎成为了一个难以违拗的怪圈。这多少有点儿像阶级社会的缩影。八一队统御地位的不可撼动恰如一个根深蒂固的封建王国、虽然人人都明白它的灰飞烟灭是不可逆转的历史趋势,但在一时之间想要摧毁却也绝非易事,毕竟一种制度所以能够长期地存在也有其必然性。八火箭队代表着中国篮球的最高水平,事实上这是计划经济的产物,优秀人才的层堆累积注定了它的无上地位。虽然各支球队频频招兵买马,吸纳优秀内外援试图动摇这种垄断态势,但无奈冰冻三尺决非一日之寒,仅靠流于表面的人员流动显然无法体现质的飞跃,即使赢得一两场比赛,也不过是偶露峥嵘而已,在这方面北京奥神队无疑是最为典型的范例。今年刚刚从甲B升上来的奥神队按照常理;其首要任务应是拼尽全力来保级。但他偏偏不信邪,甭管你是谁,先拿下再说,山东永安、辽宁沈飞等一流劲旅都先后 With the Bayi Rockets once again swept away, CBA also suspense the final suspense. Perhaps this can not be called a suspense, since the implementation of professional basketball in China since, Bayi team has always been able to occupy the leading position of the CBA does not fall. Although CBA princes robbed the throne to grab the idea of ​​power not only a day. However, the overall strength of the poor often make their dreams come true. Over time, this has almost become a vicious cycle of hard to bend. This is somewhat like a microcosm of class society. The unshakeability of the 81st military dominion is just like a deeply rooted feudal kingdom. Although everyone understands that it is an irreversible historical trend, it is no easy task to destroy it in an instant. After all, a system So long-term existence also has its inevitability. Eight Rockets represent the highest level of Chinese basketball, in fact, this is the product of a planned economy, the accumulation of talented people doomed to its supremacy. Although the various teams frequently recruited and recruited horses and absorbed excellent internal and external aid attempts to shake this monopoly, it is no longer necessary to freeze the ice. It is clear that the flow of personnel on the surface can not demonstrate a qualitative leap forward. Even winning one or two Competition is nothing more than revealing towering, in this regard Beijing Ao Noble team is undoubtedly the most typical example. This year has just come up from A B Outrigger in accordance with common sense; its top priority should be to make every effort to relegation. But he happens not to believe in evil, regardless of who you are, first win and then say, Shandong Yongan, Shenyang Shenfei and other first-class powerhouse has successively
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