Policy Orientation for Power Industry in the 11th Five-Year Plan Period

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Power industry is one of the largest energy consuming and the heaviest pollutant discharging departments. To meet the targets of energy saving, consumption reduction and environment protection set forth by the state, policy supports are imperative to ensu
<正>An officer of the Ministry of Finance (MOF) told at the 7th Forum on Green China that the State will give strong support of funds for environmental protecti
1 病例报告例1:男,72岁.以多发性脑梗塞收住院.住院期间因发生尿潴留,行导尿术.操作过程中,当尿管插入约12 cm时,有阻力感.护士采取措施,从尿管末端向尿道内注入灭菌液体石蜡
1 对象和方法1.1 对象我院1999-09~2004-06先心病婴幼儿30例,男17例,女13例,年龄11日龄~2岁,平均1.29岁,体重3.5~10 kg,平均7.78 kg.疾病种类:室间隔缺损合并肺高压15例,房缺7例
With deepened reform of power system and marketization, power tariff has more and more become a topic of discussion, and furthermore, that the power tariff in C
以两税合并为核心的新企业所得税法的法律草案已提交十届全国人大常委会第二十五次会议审议。历时3年,几上几下,屡经曲折的两税合并进程,终于有了初步明朗的结果。那么,这将对A股市场带来什么样的影响呢?哪些上市公司会受益呢?    提升A股市场估值引力      两税合并的核心方案在于内外资企业均按照25%的税率征收企业所得税,其中老的外资企业享有五年的过渡期照顾。也就是说,一旦法律草案得到通过,那么,内
1999-04~2004-10我科对收治的肝囊肿较大患者23例进行了超声引导经皮穿刺囊肿抽吸术,疗效较好,总结如下.1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 本组男16例,女7例,年龄35~67(平均55.3)岁.囊肿直
In March this year, North China main network was interconnected with Shandong network through a 500-kV line between Xin&#39;an Substation (Hebei Handan) and Lia
<正>The State Investment Group told the participants at the 2005 annual meeting held in August that the group&#39;s power installed capacity would be ensured to