Depositional model of Early Permian reef-island ocean in Eastern Kunlun

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangwenping666
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Many fusulinid fossils have been found in thin- to middle-bedded limestones which are distributed between the Early Permian limestone hills and formerly considered as Early Triassic. The fusulinid fossils, identified as Neoshwagerina sp., Verbeekina sp. and Schwagerina sp., can also be found in massive limestone hills. At the same time, Early Permian radiolarian chert of deep basin facies was discovered in Animaqing. All the above show that the massive limestone hills, thin- to middle-bedded limestones and radiolarian chert belong to syndeposits in Early Permian ocean. The sediments in the study area can roughly be divided into three types: shallow facies, basin facies and transitional facies. The carbonate buildup can be subdivided into massive bioclas-tic limestone and reef framestone. Basin facies contains thin- or middle-bedded limestone, abyssal red mudstone or ooze, blue-green mudstone and radiolarian chert. Transitional facies includes reef talus and platformal skirt facies. The Early Permian ocea Many fusulinid fossils have been found in thin- to middle-bedded limestones which are distributed between the Early Permian limestone hills and formerly considered as Early Triassic. The fusulinid fossils, identified as Neoshwagerina sp., Verbeekina sp. And Schwagerina sp., Can also At the same time, Early Permian radiolarian chert of deep basin facies was discovered in Animaqing. All the above show that the massive limestone hills, thin- to middle-bedded limestones and radiolarian chert belong to syndeposits in Early The sediments in the study area can roughly be divided into three types: shallow facies, basin facies and transitional facies. The carbonate buildup can be subdivided into massive bioclas-tic limestone and reef framestone. Basin facies contains either thin- or middle- bedded limestone, abyssal red mudstone or ooze, blue-green mudstone and radiolarian chert. Transitional facies includes reef talus and platformal skirt facies. The Early Permian ocea
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