秋延芹菜前期在露地生长,中后期转为小拱棚覆盖保护地栽培。秋延芹菜常常由于年年连作,品种单一和气候变暖,区域生态恶化等原因造成从苗床到田间营养生长旺盛期,“三病”发生严重。致使这茬芹菜的产量和品质降低,降低菜农的经济效益。 据调查:危害秋延芹菜的“三病”主要
Qiuyan celery in the open field growth in early, late into a small arch shed cover protected cultivation. Qiuyan celery is often due to continuous cropping, single species and climate warming, regional ecological deterioration and other causes from the seedbed to the field vegetative growth period, “three disease” serious. As a result, the yield and quality of this crop of celery is reduced, which reduces the economic benefits of vegetable growers. According to the survey: endanger autumn celery “three diseases” main