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小时候即对铁面无私的包公心向往之。京剧里包公黑黝黝的脸谱给我留下十分深刻的印象。恰巧到安徽省城合肥开会,听说包公祠就在城中,心中一喜, 于是寻隙造访。合肥偌大一个城市,道路拐弯抹角, 初来乍到,不辨东西南北,一路问津,闻者因语言迥异,多微笑摇头。等绕了几个大弯,跨过石拱桥,沿着垂柳依依、波光潋滟的湖边石板路走到包祠时,我已是大汗淋漓了。包公名拯,北宋合肥人,是我国历史上有名的清官代表人物,幼年曾在香花墩读过书。明代弘治年间 When I was a kid, I always wanted to be selfless. Peking Opera bag full of swarthy Facebook left me with a very deep impression. Happened to Hefei, Anhui Province, a meeting, I heard Bao Gong Ancestral Hall in the city, the heart of a hi, so find the gap visit. A large city in Hefei, the road beat around the bush, first arrived, do not distinguish things from north to south, all the way to get involved, smell due to different languages, smile and shook his head. Surrounded by a few big bend, across the stone arch bridge, along the weeping willow, the shimmering lakeside stone road to Bao Temple, I was sweating. Bao Gong Ming Zheng, Hefei, the Northern Song Dynasty, is a well-known representative of the Qing Dynasty official history, had read a book in Fragrant pier. Hongzhi years of the Ming Dynasty
The purpose of this retrospective study was to compare the frequency of menstrual cyclicity between two groups of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome: women
目的 探讨羊水板层小体计数在预测胎儿肺成熟度中的意义.方法利用血细胞计数仪检测147例孕妇非离心羊水标本板层小体数值,由新生儿科医生对新生儿进行呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)评价,分析羊水板层小体计数与新生儿RDS的关系.结果判定胎儿肺成熟度的羊水板层小体的界值为45×103/μl,阳性预侧值83.3%,阴性预侧值100%,灵敏度为100%,特异度88.9%.结论非离心羊水板层小体计数可以作为临床预测胎
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