
来源 :中国医疗前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smilepk
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目的:探讨单纯性膝关节软骨骨折的MRI表现,提高诊断水平。方法回顾性分析经关节镜证实的外伤性膝关节软骨骨折患者15例,总结其MRI特点并与关节镜结果进行对照。结果15例单纯性膝关节软骨骨折患者共有19处软骨骨折,6处位于股骨滑车,5处位于股骨外髁,3处位于股骨内髁,3处位于髌骨,2处位于胫骨平台;单纯性膝关节软骨骨折多表现为不同程度的软骨变薄,信号不均,软骨下低信号线连续;16处损伤软骨下骨髓见小片状水肿;19处软骨骨折处周围间隙内均见关节积液。结论单纯性膝关节软骨骨折常有明确的外伤史,好发部位为股骨滑车,MRI典型表现为不同程度的软骨变薄,信号不均,软骨下低信号线连续及损伤软骨下骨髓水肿;无明确韧带及半月板损伤的关节少量积液常提示软骨骨折的可能。“,”Objective To investigate the value of MR imaging in simplex cartilage fracture of the knee joint, as well as in evaluation of clinical significance Methods. The MR imaging of cartilage fracture were analysed retrospectively in 15 patients with acute cartilage fracture confirmed by arthroscopy. And every manifestation on MRI and that of arthroscopy and operation was compared. Results 19 sites of 15 patients include 6 femoral trochlea, 5 femoral lateral condyle, 3 femoral medial condyle, 3 patella and 2 tibial plateau. Simplex cartilage fracture generally show different degrees of cartilage attenuation, nonuniformity signal, and subcartilage low signal lines were normal; bone bruise was detected in 16 patients; hydrops articuli were detected in 19 patients. Conclusion Simplex cartilage fracture patients customarily have the history of traumatism, common in femoral trochlea, different degrees of cartilage attenuation, nonuniformity signal and bone bruise with typicalimplex cartilage fracture MRI characteristic; local hydrops articuli, without ligament or meniscus trauma, commonly lead to cartilage fracture.
我科于2009-02收治儿童外伤性白内障1例,经过2周的治疗和护理治愈出院,护理体会如下.rn1 病历摘要rn男,5岁.6个月前左眼被雨伞碰伤,眼部无明显破损及出血,未予任何治疗.近1个
对我院饮酒时致短暂失明1例的护理体会如下.rn1 病历摘要rn男,35岁.午餐和朋友饮酒时突然失明于2008-09-23门诊就医.就医前几天曾因皮肤软组织感染静点头孢曲松钠后痊愈.诊断
现将颈椎前路术后并发呼吸遗忘1例的护理总结如下.rn1 病历摘要rn女,31岁,55 kg.因颈部不适3 a,车祸后加重伴右上肢放射痛7 d,写字等精细动作稍受限,有脚踩棉花感,无腰束带感