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为了庆祝“十一”国庆节,活跃节日文化生活,推动员工体育活动的开展,提高员工健身兴趣和身体素质,9月13日,国网平凉供电公司工会举办了以“心连一线”为主题的职工钓鱼比赛,共有38名干部员工参加了这次比赛。本次比赛时间为2个小时,设个人奖三项。为了确保这次比赛活动的顺利进行,该公司工会精心组织、周密安排,对比赛场地进行了认真布置,各参赛选手认真准备。上午9时比赛正式开始,随着裁判长一声令下,参赛选手齐刷刷将钓钩抛入水中,争先恐后抛饵诱鱼,赛池各处钩竿此起彼伏,不时有破水出鱼的欢呼声,好不热闹。整个比赛在友谊、和谐又充满竞争的气氛中进行, In order to celebrate the 11th National Day, active holiday culture and life, to promote staff sports activities, improve staff fitness interest and physical fitness, September 13, the State Grid Pingliang power company unions held a “Heart Link ”As the theme of employee fishing competition, a total of 38 cadres and staff participated in the competition. The competition time is 2 hours, set up three personal awards. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the competition, the company’s trade unions meticulously organized and meticulous arrangements for the venue were carefully arranged, all contestants carefully prepared. At 9:00 am the game started, with the referee gave the order, the players uniform brush hook into the water, scrambling to bait lure fish, tournament hooks one after another, from time to time there is a broken water out of cheers, not good lively. The entire game in a friendly, harmonious and full of competition in the atmosphere,
巫婆施法要发动一场侵略战争,如果你顺利穿越可怕的巫婆斗篷,就能解除魔法。快试试你有化干戈为玉帛的本领吗? Witch casting to launch a war of aggression, if you succe
在初中阶段,由于学生刚开始系统地学习物理课程,如果对其中的理论常识和实验内容感到难以理解,便会在学习中失去兴趣. 而初中物理课对学生来讲具有十分重要的意义,它能够帮助