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2013年10月11日2时59分,北京市石景山区苹果园南路13号喜隆多购物中心发生火灾。在与这场突发大火鏖战中,北京市石景山消防支队司令部参谋长刘洪坤与北京市八大处消防中队副中队长刘洪魁壮烈殉职。两颗火热而年轻的心,曾多少次随着火光跳动,这一次竟戛然而止。刘洪坤享年35岁,刘洪魁享年28岁。英雄逝去,天地同悲!你们用生命擎起了奉献的旗帜,你们是最可爱的人,你们的光荣人生和高尚情怀在烈火中永存!10月14日,公安部授予刘洪坤、刘洪魁烈士称号,并颁发献身国防金质纪念章。英雄人生都相似火灾发生当天刘洪坤并不值班,但得知火讯后的他第一时间赶到火灾现场,协助当日支队指挥长扑救火灾。喜隆多购物中心有460多家商户,其中4层有餐饮区,几乎每个摊位都有液 At 02:59 on October 11, 2013, a fire broke out at the Hilong Shopping Mall, No. 13 Apple Orchard Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing. In a fierce battle with this sudden fire, Liu Hongkun, chief of staff of the Beijing Shijingshan Fire Brigade Command, died in a violent death with Liu Hongkui, deputy squadron leader of the fire department at the Badasu Department in Beijing. Two hot and young heart, how many times with the flare of beating, this time actually stopped. At the age of 35, Liu Hongkui is 28 years old. Heroes lost, heaven and earth with the sad! You set the banner of sacrifice with your life, you are the most lovely people, your glorious life and noble feelings forever in the fire! October 14, the Ministry of Public Security awarded Liu Hongkun, Liu Hongkui martyr title, And issued a dedication to national defense gold medal. The heroic life is similar Liu Hongkun does not work on the day of the fire, but he learned that the first time after the fire rushed to the scene of the fire, to assist the day the detachment commando fighting the fire. There are more than 460 merchants in the Hilong Shopping Mall, of which 4 floors have dining areas and almost every stall has a liquid
“坚强的意志是从平时的锻炼中磨砺出来的。”这是老师在政治课上经常说的一句话。在这次比赛中,我对这句话的体会更深了。 “The strong will is tempered by the usual ex
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窗外的柳树无精打采地低垂着,知了也被这酷热的天气吓得不敢再叫了。同学们坐在教室里喘着粗气,等待着体育老师来上课。 The willows outside the window fell listlessly,
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