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  Some children from New York are having a talk after they visited Rizhao. What are they talking about?
  1. Where are the four children from?
  A. America. B. Australia. C. The UK. D. Canada.
  2. Who likes Fulai Mountain?
  A. Alice. B. Sam. C. Steven. D. Grace.
  3. Steven likes in Rizhao very much.
  A. teachers B. schools
  C. children D. food
  4. What didn’t Grace do in the school in Rizhao?
  A. Have classes. B. Play games.
  C. Have a party. D. Have a talk.
  5. From this passage, we know that the four children .
  A. enjoyed their trip to Rizhao
  B. love their country very much
  C. learn Chinese very well
  D. want to live in Rizhao
  Cathy is a cute girl. She is thin and tall with curly hair. She is good at singing and dancing. Someone says she looks as beautiful as an English film star, Natalie Duckworth. This makes her very happy and she wants to find a job as an actress(女演员).
  One day, she sees an ad(广告): Do you want a busy but exciting job? Do you want to work with actors and other interesting people? We need actors and actresses. Please come and join us.
  The next day, she wears her best clothes and goes into the office. A man meets her.
  “Do you need an actress?” asks Cathy. “Yes!” the man says. Then the man asks Cathy some questions. At last the man says, “OK, you can get the job. Please come to work for us next Monday.”
  Cathy is very happy and asks, “How much will you pay me?”
  The man thinks for a while and answers, “I will pay you twenty-seven dollars in the first three months. Then I will pay you thirty dollars every month.”
  Cathy says happily, “Great, I will come and work here three months later.”
  1. Natalie Duckworth is .
  A. a Chinese woman
  B. an English woman
  C. an American woman
  D. a French woman
  2. Where does Cathy see the ad?
  A. On the Internet.
  B. In a newspaper.
  C. In a magazine.
  D. We don’t know.
  3. Why does Cathy wear her best clothes?
  A. Because she is going to work as an actress.
  B. Because the man is her boyfriend.
  C. Because she wants to get the job.
  D. Because she is happy.
  4. If Cathy comes to the office three months later, she will .
  A. not get the job
  B. get the job with thirty dollars a month
  C. be an actress
  D. get the job with twenty-seven dollars a month   5. Which of the following is right?
  A. Cathy has curly hair.
  B. The man loves Cathy.
  C. Cathy pays the man twenty-seven dollars in the first three months.
  D. Cathy is Natalie Duckworth’s daughter.
  A man eating in a restaurant calls the waiter and says that he gets only one piece of bread, “I would like lots of bread,” said the man, “please give me more bread next time.”
  The next day when he comes, the waiter gives him three pieces. “That’s OK,” said the man, “But I want more bread.”
  After a few days he comes, the waiter gives him five pieces but still the man is unhappy. Later the waiter tells the cook about the man. The cook says he will let him feel satisfied next time.
  Two days later the man comes again. The waiter brings him a very big piece of bread happily.
  It is like a basketball.
  The man looks at the bread in surprise.
  “This is the last time I’m coming here!”he says angrily. “I do tell you I want more bread, and here you are once again giving me just one piece!”
  1. When the man first eats in the restaurant, the waiter gives him piece(s) of bread.
  A. one B. three C. five D. seven
  2. The man goes to the restaurant for
  times in the article.
  A. two B. three C. four D. five
  3. The waiter tells the cook about the man because he may think .
  A. he is interesting B. he is friendly
  C. he is strange D. he is shy
  4. “Satisfied” is in Chinese.
  A. 不满意 B. 自卑 C. 愤怒 D. 满意
  5. The cook makes the man a very big piece of bread because .
  A. the man asks him to do so
  B. the man wants more bread every time
  C. the waiter asks him to do so
  D. he wants to make the man happy
  One day a big red hen is playing with her chickens in the garden. After some time, she wants to eat something, and she takes her chickens out to look for food.
  When they are eating, she finds a grain of wheat(麦子). So she asks her chickens to plant it in the back of the garden. But no one wants to do it. The big red hen has to do it herself.
  After a few months, they get a lot of wheat. She says to her chickens, “Who will take the wheat to the store and get some flour?” But they don’t want to do it.
  So she takes the wheat to the store and brings the flour home. After she gets home, she says, “Who will make some bread with the flour?” They all say they are too busy and don’t want to do it.   When she makes the bread; she says to her chickens, “Who wants to eat the bread?”
  “I will.” they say.
  “No, you can’t. You don’t want to do anything before I make the bread. You must know‘No pains, no gains(不劳无获)’.” She doesn’t give any bread to her chickens and she eats the bread herself.
  1. Why does the red hen want to plant the grain of wheat?
  A. She has nothing to do.
  B. She wants her chickens to do something.
  C. She wants to get lots of wheat.
  D. She wants to play with her chickens.
  2. take(s) the wheat to the store.
  A. The big red hen
  B. The big red hen’s chickens
  C. A man
  D. One of the chickens
  3. The word “flour” is in Chinese.
  A. 面包 B. 面粉 C. 大米 D. 食品
  4. Why doesn’t the big hen give any bread to her chickens?
  A. Because they don’t want to eat it.
  B. Because they aren’t at home.
  C. Because she doesn’t like them.
  D. Because they don’t do anything.
  5. What’s the best title(标题)for this article?
  A. The Bread B. No pains, no gains
  C. The Wheat D. The Big Red Hen
  Dear David,
  Sally and I had a nice trip in Beijing. When we stayed in Beijing, we lived with Li Ming, our Chinese friend, and his family. Have a look at our activities there.
  Hope you will go to China with us next time.
  1. Where did Alice live in Beijing during her trip?
  A. In Li Ming’s home.
  B. At David’s home.
  C. At a hotel.
  D. At Alice’s home.
  2. How long did Alice stay in Beijing?
  A. Four days. B. Six days.
  C. A week. D. Two weeks.
  3. Alice bought a T-shirt for her .
  A. brother B. sister C. father D. mother
  4. What is the passage (短文)?
  A. A map. B. A story.
  C. A menu. D. A letter.
  5. What is the passage mainly about?
  A. How to have a good trip.
  B. Alice’s trip in Beijing.
  C. Where to go shopping in Beijing.
  D. Alice’s pen pal.
  参考答案:A: 1—5 ABDCA
  B:1—5 BDCAA
  C:1—5 ACCDD
  D:1—5 CABDB
  E:1—5 ABCDB
1.付账(cash):右手的拇指、食指和中指在空中捏在一起或在另一只手上作出写字的样子,这是表示在饭馆要付账的手势。  2.动脑筋(using your brain),机敏点(being clever):用手指点点自己的太阳穴。  3.傻瓜(f001):用拇指按住鼻尖摇动其它四指,或十指分开。也可食指对着太阳穴转动,同时吐出舌头,则表示所谈到的人是个“痴呆”“傻瓜”。  4.别作声(stoppin
【原文】  九岁的病榻  苏 童  我最初的生病经验产生于一张年久失修的藤条躺椅上,那是一个九岁男孩的病榻。  那年我九岁,我不知道为什么会得那种动不动就要小便的怪病,不知道小腿上为什么会长出无数红色疹块,也不知道白血球和血小板减少的后果到底有多严重。那天,父亲推着自行车,我坐在自行车后座上,母亲在后面默默地扶着我,一家三口离开医院时天色已近黄昏,我觉得父母的心情也像天色一样晦暗。我知道我生病
There was once a widowed washerwoman with three daughters. All four of them worked their fingers to the bone washing, but they still went hungry. One day the oldest daughter said to her mother, “I int
【作家介绍】  埃克多·马洛(1830~1907),法国著名的小说家,以写情节剧小说(即以情节取胜的小说)载入法国近代文学史史册的作家之一。马洛出生于法国的一个公证人家庭,身为律师的父亲希望马洛继承他的事业从事法律工作,就把马洛送到巴黎学习法律。毕业后,马洛进入一家律师事务所工作,但是他的兴趣不在法律,而在文学创作。马洛开始经常向报社投稿并陆续发表了一些文章,引起了读者的广泛关注;同时,他开始创作
【名著导读】北欧民间传说中有一个家喻户晓的神秘人物,叫“特罗尔”。特罗尔是林中的妖怪。后来,这一形象有所变化,从凶恶的巨人变成了善良的侏儒。《魔法师的帽子》中的“特罗尔”就属于后一类,作者塑造的“木民矮子精”一家已经不是妖怪了,而是住在森林里的一家“人”。这家人慷慨大方,谁去他们家都会受到热情的招待。让我们一起走进“木民”的家,去体验历险的乐趣吧!  【作者简介】  托芙·扬松(1914—2001
欧拉(L.Euler,1707-1783)是瑞士数学家。生于瑞士的巴塞尔(Basel)。父亲保罗·欧拉是位牧师,喜欢数学,所以欧拉从小就受到这方面的熏陶。但父亲却执意让他攻读神学,以便将来接他的班。幸运的是。欧拉并没有走父亲为他安排的路。父亲曾在巴塞尔大学上过学。与当时著名数学家约翰·伯努利(Johann Bernoulli,1667-1748)及雅各布·伯努利(Jacob Bernoulli,1
glad&happy  glad意思是“高兴的;乐意的”,指因某事使人情绪上得到短暂的喜悦。常用作表语,一般情况下不作定语。例如:
【技法指南】  现在,人们的生活水平提高了,外出旅行的机会越来越多,很多同学也跟随着家长或老师外出旅行过。外面美景怡人,旅途中我们心情愉悦。同学们想一想,如果我们把旅途中的所见所闻记录下来,留作纪念,那该是一件多么快乐的事情啊!可有些同学又会有烦恼了,因为旅行虽然快乐,可真要写游记,还真有点不好写。游记其实不难写,只要注意如下几点,你就可以写出一篇优秀的游记来。  一是依序记叙,线索清晰。我们在参
英语姓名的一般结构为:教名+自取名+姓。如William Jafferson Clinton。但在很多场合中间名往往略去不写,而且许多人更喜欢用昵称取代正式教名,如Bill Clinton。上面说的教名和中间名又称个人名。