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思者,男性,66岁。诊断为冠心病亚急性前间壁心肌梗塞。入院第4天再发前间壁心肌梗塞。距上次心肌梗塞恰及1个月,于上午8时10分突然被发现口内溢出大量呕吐物、抽搐、意识丧失、四肢冰冷、大汗淋漓,无心跳、脉搏,呼吸浅慢继而停止。即清除口腔内呕吐物,给氧,胸外按压,人工呼吸。2分钟内进行心电监测,无心电波形,呈一直线。4分钟内建立双条静脉通道,其一推入异丙肾上腺素(异丙)、阿托品各1mg,克分子乳酸钠60ml,另一滴注低分子右旋糖酐(低右)、维脑路通、多巴胺8~10ug/kg.min,8时20分再次推入乳酸钠60ml,继以ATP、辅酶A、细胞色素C滴注。8时30分瞳孔进行性散大。心电图示窦性静止,坚持胸外按压、人工呼吸,再次推入异丙、阿托品各1mg,10%葡 Sizhu, male, 66 years old. Diagnosis of coronary heart disease subacute anterior myocardial infarction. Day 4 admitted to the anterior myocardial infarction. Myocardial infarction from the last just 1 month, at 8:10 am was suddenly found in the mouth spilled a large number of vomit, convulsions, loss of consciousness, limbs cold, sweating, no heartbeat, pulse, breathing slow and then stop. That the removal of oral vomit, oxygen, chest compression, artificial respiration. 2 minutes ECG monitoring, no ECG waveform, was a straight line. Within 4 minutes to establish double venous access, the first push isoproterenol (isopropyl), atropine each 1mg, sodium lactate 60ml, another infusion of low molecular weight dextran (low right), Venoruton, dopamine 8 ~ 10ug / kg.min, 8:20 again pushed 60ml sodium lactate, followed by ATP, coenzyme A, cytochrome C infusion. 8:30 pupil progressive bulk. Electrocardiogram sinus static, insist on chest compressions, artificial respiration, once again into the isoprenaline, atropine each 1mg, 10% of Portuguese
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骨髓增生异常综合征(myelodysplastic syndrome,简称MDS)是一组以骨髓病态造血而致骨髓1系、2系或3系增生异常。这种增生是介于正常增生和白血病异常增生两者之间的病态增生
通过对临涣矿副井井壁破坏机理的分析 ,指出了原卸压槽卸压效果不明显和槽口位置内壁混凝土强度大大降低是其主要原因。并针对目前矿井的水文地质条件 ,采用“纵让横抗”的修
A mid-infrared carbon dioxide(CO_2) sensor is presented for the application in greenhouse environment. An integrated multi-pass gas chamber and a dual-channel d