1999年9月,陈毅平从部队转业到漳州市公安交警支队直属第二大队。象新民警一样,他对道路交通管理和治安管理业务知识很陌生,可他靠着对交巡警事业的热忱,不懂就学,不懂就问。巡逻空闲,别人在喝茶闲聊,他却抱着业务书钻研,有人笑他,他笑笑说:“没办法,谁叫我起步晚呢。” 2001年4月,他主动报名到“漳州110”参加学习。4月21日凌晨2时20分,他与队友们接警后,在芗城区前锋新村34幢702室内,当场抓获正在实施抢劫强奸犯罪的嫌疑人两名,打响“严打整治”专项斗争的第一炮,此案受到省公安厅通报表扬。 做为一名交巡警,在查获假牌假证盗抢机动车上有独到的优势。为了练就一双辨伪识假的“火眼金睛”,陈毅平除了向车管的老同志、中队的老民警认真请教,还经常对着一大堆车牌
In September 1999, Chen Yiping changed hands from the army to Zhangzhou City Public Security Traffic Police Detachment directly under the Second Battalion. Like the new police, he is unfamiliar with road traffic management and public security management business knowledge. However, he relies on the enthusiasm for the traffic police cause, does not understand school, and does not understand it. Patrol leisure, others chatting in the tea, he was holding a business book study, someone laughed at him, he smiled and said: “no way, who told me to start late.” In April 2001, he volunteered to “Zhangzhou 110 ”To learn. At 2:20 a.m. on April 21, he and his team-mates called the police and arrested two suspects who were committing robbery and rape on the spot in Room 702, Building 34, Qianfeng New Village, Gaocheng District, setting the first in the special campaign of “crackdown and raid.” Artillery, the case by the Provincial Public Security Bureau informed praised. As a cross-patrol, seized counterfeit fake badges and robbed vehicles have unique advantages. In order to practice a pair of False eyes on the false identification, "In addition to the old car comrades, Chen Yiping squadron old police conscientious advice, but also often facing a lot of license plates