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  《微光城市》改编自珍妮·杜普洛(Jeanne DuPrau)于2003年创作的同名小说。小编在找资料的时候被导演的“娃娃脸”吓了一跳,还以为是电影的男主角呢。后来才知道原来这位年轻的导演大有来头,曾经执导过2006年的票房大热《怪兽屋》(Monster House),真是有眼不识泰山啊。这部电影的另一个卖点就是凭《赎罪》(Atonement)声名鹊起的童星西尔莎·罗南。就连导演也说,幸亏他在罗南出名之前找到她,不然制作费也许要直线上升了。
  Plot Summary
  For generations, the people of the City of Ember[灰烬] have flourished in an amazing world of glittering lights. But this won’t last forever.
  In order to save the citizens after things in Ember start getting bleak[黯淡的], builders of Ember decide to leave instructions for escape in a special sealed box, which will open automatically in 220 years.
  Unfortunately, the box is lost and forgotten when the seventh Mayor unsuccessfully tries to open it.
  The action then shifts to the year 241 in Ember. Lina Mayfleet and Doon Harrow are two children that find themselves on a mission to save their dying city, for the city’s lights are beginning to flicker[闪烁], and the food supplies are running out. Doon manages to get a job in the Pipeworks[管道工程], to see if he can fix the generator, from which the city’s electricity comes. Lina’s
  job is simple. She is a messenger, but she soon finds herself in over her head[太高深而不能了解] when she discovers
  the instructions left by the builders. She and Doon then discover the way out of Ember. But corrupt[腐败的]
  officials and a treacherous[背信弃义的] mayor stand against their wishes of saving the city. With courage and heart they brave[勇敢地面对] the darkness, all to help their
  citizens escape the dying city, and lead them to another world.
  Director Gil Kenan Interview
  It isn’t often the director of a film looks younger than the teenagers he’s guiding through their lines. Gil Kenan is just such a director – a wunderkind[少年得志者]
  who showed incredible talent during his college years at UCLA注1. He made such an overwhelming[无法抵抗的]
  impression with his student thesis film[毕业电影作品]
  that producer Robert Zemekis introduced him to famed director Steven Spielberg. A boy wonder himself, Spielberg took an immediate liking to the youngster and handed
  him the director’s chair for the 2006 animated film Monster House. Kenan came home with an Oscar nomination[提名] for his first film, and that put his name on the tongues of every studio in Hollywood.
  Rebecca Murray was fortunate to have an interview with him, who provided a little insight into what we can expect from the film adaptation[改编].
  Rebecca Murray: Tell me about keeping close to the source material – how difficult was that?
  Gil Kenan: Well, it was easy because the source
  material was fantastic. The thing I really had to do was to take something that was word-based, you know, a puzzle…puzzle-based novel, and turn it into a sort of cinematic adventure. And to do that, it was kind of…part of what was really fun about making this movie. I had to think about the design of this town, and how to weave[编织] a puzzle into it. And so to make this kind of living puzzle, it was actually a real, you know, it was a real treat[乐事].
  Murray: Did you have to lose anything that you
  regretted having to lose from the source material?
  Kenan: Probably, but they don’t…they don’t come to mind. I mean, my process is that I read the book, you know, was inspired by it. It kicked off this entire journey. But I don’t go back and like flip[翻动书页] a page and make sure if I missed a line. It’s really…it’s an interpretation[诠释] of the novel. It’s not a page-to-screen translation.
  Murray: Because they never are.
  Kenan: No, and I think that that does a disservice[损害]
  to both. I think you have to let a movie be a movie. And you know, there’s a really interesting process that every reader goes through when they read a book for the first time. They always say, you know, “I saw…I saw a movie in my head.” I feel like my duty is to sort of put a lid[盖子] on that first movie that played in my head, and try to, you know, nurture it to the screen.
  Murray: That makes sense. Now, how hard was it to find the two leads[主角], because if they don’t work, the whole movie doesn’t work?
  Kenan: No, and that’s a good point. Thanks for the pressure. It was really hard. I waited to make sure that I got it right, and I…and I did. And to do that I had to sort of…I had to be a little bit less than precise[精确的] about the ages of the kids in the novel. But to me it was more important that I got the spirit of the character, their nature, their chemistry. And Saoirse Ronan as Lina and Harry Treadaway as Doon, they really…they pop off the screen. They’re alive.
  Murray: You got her注2 before she hit big.
  Kenan: That’s right. Yeah.
  Murray: She may never want to do another action movie again, I think.
  Kenan: Well, she’s…she’s really good. She moves well, so it would be a shame if she didn’t do another one.
  注1:UCLA 是美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(University of California at Los Angeles)的英文缩写。
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