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真累呀,每天大大小小的事情排满我们的生活;认识的、不认识的人又挤满我们的生存空间;视听里也永远充斥着各式各样、真真假假的声音和图景……一切真实、具体、物质的拥挤在四周,如同把镜子贴近自己的脸,相互睁大眼睛,皮肤、睫毛、雀斑、鱼尾纹,历历在目、纤毫毕现。忽然一天坐下来,听听好久不曾在意过的自己的内心,发现那里面也已被占据的没有一丝空隙,塞满了俗世的各种杂物。为什么,为什么我们不能给自己保留一点空间?让它在现实之外还有一种空幻,在沉重之外还有一种飞扬,在清醒之外还有一种沉醉——如大地上伸向天空的花朵,如游弋在水波上张翅欲飞的水禽,如灯火后面飞舞的流萤! Really tired, every day things big and small filled our lives; know, do not know people packed with our living space; audio-visual will always be filled with a wide range of true and false sounds and pictures Everything is real, concrete, and materially crowded all around, just as the mirror is close to his face, eyes wide open, skin, eyelashes, freckles and crow's feet. Suddenly one day sat down and listened to my own heart which I had not long concerned about, and found that there was no gap in it and was occupied by all kinds of earthly debris. Why, why can not we leave a little space for ourselves? Let it be beyond the reality there is an illusion, in addition to the heavy there is a flying, in addition to awake there is a drunk - such as flowers on the ground stretching to the sky, Such as cruising in the water to fly wings of waterfowl, such as the fire fluttering behind the fire!
我刚上一年级就开始看《新语文学习》了,我很喜欢它,很高兴大家选择这本杂志! I just started the first grade and started to read “New Chinese Study.” I really like
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《暖通空调》1992年第3期发表的《关于风机盘管性能综合评价指标的探讨》一文认为:对于风机盘管性能的评价公式应包括制冷机制取冷水所耗的功,现在被一些文献 The article
作为消费者,当你的正当权益受到侵害时,你会正确运用自己手中的权利吗?根据《消费者权益保护法》,消费者有以下几项权利: 安全权:消费者在购买、使用商品或接受服务时,享有
目的应用气压气流技术比较不同语系的音声特点。方法 50例唇腭裂患者,含2例腭咽闭合功能不全,男性30例,女性20例;年龄4.9~54.2岁,平均11.74岁。被检音为汉语/henpi/、日语/pipi/和英语/hemp