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在我国,自行车是人们十分重要的交通工具,成千上万的人以车代步。国际上也公认骑自行车是一种有益于健康的体育活动。中国是一个自行车的大国,大家天天骑车上班,出行,很是方便、迅速。但近年来发现,如果骑自行车的方法不当,时间长了,则会产生一系列的不适症候,统称为“自行车病”。患者的主要表现是骑车时会阴部感到麻木或疼痛,并可向腹股沟,大腿内侧、阴囊、睾丸等处放射。麻木可轻可重,常伴有感觉迟钝。疼痛的性质为隐痛、钝痛或胀痛,重者还可有腰酸、腰疼和活动欠灵活,甚至出现尿频、尿急、尿痛及排精痛的现 In our country, bicycles are a very important means of transport and thousands of people are traveling by car. It is also internationally accepted that cycling is a health-friendly sport. China is a big country of bicycles. Everyone rides to work and travel every day. It is very convenient and swift. However, in recent years, it has been found that if an improper method of riding a bicycle takes a long time, a series of discomforts may occur, which are collectively referred to as “bicycle disease.” The main manifestation of the patient is the perineal numbness or pain when riding a bicycle and the radiation to the groin, inner thigh, scrotum and testis. Numbness can be light and heavy, often accompanied by feeling insensitive. The nature of pain as dull pain, dull pain or tenderness, severe cases may also have backache, back pain and activities less flexible, and even urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria and discomfort are now
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