
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanwenqian
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压在身上的包袱我们从1957年以来陆续积压了50起重大疑难案件。这些案件都发生在丛山峻岭、地域辽阔的陈汉山区。那里的政治情况复杂,早自1930年,就是红军的游击根据地,也是敌人疯狂镇压的中心。革命同反革命的斗争,在这里表现得非常尖锐。红军的掉队战士、坚持游击的地方干部和革命同志家属被残害的事件,时常发生。解放初期,1949年,这里还发生了几一次反动道会门暴动。我们所积压的56件案件, Burden on the body We have one after another backlog 50 major and difficult cases since 1957. These cases occurred in the mountains, the vast area of ​​Chenhan Mountain. The political situation there is complicated. As early as 1930, it was the base area of ​​the guerrillas in the Red Army. It was also the center of a frenzied crackdown on the enemy. The struggle between revolution and counter-revolution is very sharp here. Red Army deadlocks, guerrilla insist on the local cadres and revolutionary comrades families were mutilated events, often occur. In the early days of the liberation, in 1949, there were several reactionary road protests here. The 56 cases we backlog,
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Objective:To prove whether astrocyte elevated gene-1(AEG-1) plays a role in high glucosestimulated Rho kinase activation and epithelial-mesenchymal transition(E
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