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函数一直都是数学领域中一个极为很重要的概念,尤其是在高中数学中,函数的应用无处不在,也是让学生感到比较头疼的部分,而函数值域与最值求解是高中数学题型中的重点加难点,经常作为压轴性题目放在考试最后。因此,我们作为高中生来说,充分认识和掌握函数值域和最值问题的解析方法与技巧至关重要。本文就高中数学中比较常用的值域和最值求解方法进行归纳和总结,并运用这些方法来解决实际问题。 Function has always been a very important concept in the field of mathematics, especially in high school mathematics, the function of the application is everywhere, but also make students feel more headache, and the value range and the function of the most value is the high school math problems In the key plus difficult points, often as a finale topic on the final examination. Therefore, as a senior high school student, it is very important that we fully understand and master the analytical methods and techniques of the function range and the most value problem. This article sums up and summarizes the commonly used range and the most value solving method in high school mathematics, and uses these methods to solve practical problems.
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