
来源 :农业机械化与电气化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiansong2001
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有一台配S195柴油机方向盘农用运输车 ,仅使用了半年多时间 ,功率明显下降 ,排气冒黑烟 ,油耗上升 ,并伴随启动不顺利 ,以后启动越来越困难的现象。我们首先卸下高压油管 ,油门置于供油位置 ,减压摇转曲轴 ,观察出油阀紧座处喷油压力尚可 ,然后检查了喷油器 ,未发现问题。 There is a S195 diesel steering wheel used in agricultural vehicles, only used more than six months, a significant decline in power, exhaust black smoke, fuel consumption increases, and with the start is not smooth, starting more and more difficult after the phenomenon. We first remove the high-pressure tubing, the throttle is placed in the fuel supply position, cranked crankshaft decompression, observe the fuel injection pressure seat tight seat acceptable, and then check the injector, did not find a problem.
Partial molar pregnancy is a rare entity in which there is usually a triploid abnormal fetus associated with a large placenta with cystic changes .The incidence
Discoveries in the past 2 decades have continued to improve our understanding of the mechanism of fertilization and animal models have played a significant role
2010年,天津某化工厂的一台有机热载体锅炉在内部检验过程中发现了炉管过烧损坏现象,下面对锅炉盘管失效进行分析:  1锅炉宏观检查  本锅炉型号为YYW-900Y(Q),燃料为天然气,额
故障现象1:温度低易起动 ,而温度高起动却困难经多次查找 ,其主要原因是由于气门弹簧弹力的变化而影响。当温度低时弹簧弹力变化不大 ,所以起动正常。但是当温度高时 ,弹簧受
Zika virus (ZIKV) is a member of the virus family Flaviviridae and the genus Flavivirus, transmitted by daytime-active Aedes mosquitoes, such as A. aegypti. ZIK