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农村投递的定量标准,长期以来是以投递里程和投递点为主要依据的。随着经济体制改革的不断深入,农村商品经济的大力发展,人们对报刊的需求量以及通信往来的邮件量不断增长。我县1980年发行报刊累计份数为1.7百万份,投递邮件量将近3百万件,而1985年发行报刊累计数和投递邮件量分别上升51.1%和86.3%。加之原来农村以生产队为生产单位的体制变为一家一户的承包责任制,农民迫切地 The quantitative standards for rural delivery have long been based on the delivery of mits and delivery points. With the continuous deepening of the reform of the economic system and the vigorous development of the rural commodity economy, there has been an ever increasing demand for newspapers and periodicals as well as the amount of correspondence exchanged between them. In 1980, the county issued a total of 1.7 million newspapers and magazines and delivered nearly 3 million pieces of mail. In 1985, the cumulative number of newspapers and periodicals delivered and the volume of postal mail increased by 51.1% and 86.3% respectively. Combined with the original rural production team as a unit of production system into a one-family contract responsibility system, farmers urgently
临床资料 本组6例(男3,女3)中,男女之比1:1。年龄平均54岁,病程1月至17年不等。临床表现咳嗽、咯痰、胸痛、咯血3例,另3例为体检时摄胸片发现肺肿块而收住院进一步诊治。病
Integration of green chemistry principles to nanotechnology is one of the key issues in nanoscience research.The development of the concept of green nanoparticl
一、概念各种脑部或全身疾病所引起的脑组织细胞外或细胞内水分增多,导致脑体积与重量增加者,临床上统称脑水肿。二、病因引起脑水肿的原因可以分为急性及慢性两大类。 (一)
高原缺氧引起脑循环障碍,发生脑水肿,而出现颅内高压综合征,近年来,已受到重视。我院自1963年4月~1978年3月,经腰穿证实者共55例,现作一临床分析。病例选择 55例系在各型高山
我院自1988年6月至1994年12月共收治自发性气胸、血气胸43例,现报告如下。临床资料一、一般资料 43例中,男34例,女9例。年龄14~71岁,平均33岁。自发性气胸35例(其中,顽固性气