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為迎接新中國誕生的第一個新年,我們於上年十二月間向多位科學界的先生們發出一封信,這樣說: “輝煌的一九五○年迅將來臨。在這一年間,我們可以預料到的,爲全中國的勝利解放,爲經濟建設及文化建設的大力發展。很顯明的,一九五○年將標誌為中國人民由貧困到富強,由災難到幸福的轉捩點,這其間,科學將發揮很大的作用。敝刊爲一本通俗科學期刊,在這偉大的新時代,我們更當勉勵自己,充實内容,刷新篇幅,好好担當本身的任務。每年新年,我們均有特刊的編輯,這囘的特刊,我們更想把它作為新中國經濟建設及文化建設的一支號角。我們因此計劃以“新中國、新科學”爲這一特刊的總題,請求全國科學界的先生們在這一總題之下爲讀者講幾句話。無論是過去中國科學工作的總結,今後中國科學工作的展望,科學工作者的道路,以及一年來的科學成績就某門科學講,或是就一般情况來說,均爲我們所深切期待,亦爲讀者所樂於知道。……”截至發稿日為止,我們收到了二十位先生的赐文,有就普及與提高,新科學的内容和方向,科學工作者的今後任務幾個問題發抒意見,或取某一文題撰賜專篇,前者我們編入“新中國新科學”的總題下,後者我們列為“特稿”發表。我們很感謝這二十位先生,使能如期有了一本相當豐富結實的特刊,我們即以此特刊貢獻給我們讀者希望我們的讀者接受這一份禮物,在一九五○年中加緊科學與技術的業務學習,在新中國的建設工作中,勇敢地,熱情地,做人民的勤務員,先鋒隊! 上面六個字是集的毛主席的字,我們在他和中國共產黨的領導下面邁步前進,我們須時時不忘毛主席給我們的教育和啟示,發展生產,發展科學,逐步完成新中國新民主主義建設的偉大任務。 In order to welcome the first new year of New China, we sent a letter to a number of science and technology gentlemen in December last year, stating: “The brilliant year of 1950 will soon come. During this year What we can expect will be the liberation of all China and the vigorous development of economic construction and cultural construction. It is quite obvious that by 1950 the symbol of the Chinese people will be transformed from poverty to prosperity and from disaster to happiness, In the meantime, science will play a very big role in our magazine as a popular science journals, in this great new era, we should encourage ourselves, enrich the content, refresh the space, take on its own task .Every year, we We have a special issue of this special issue and we would rather consider it as a horn for the economic construction and cultural development of New China.We therefore plan to use ”New China and New Science“ as the overall issue of this special issue and request that the whole country The scholar of the scientific community speaks to readers under this general question: Whether it is a summary of the past scientific work in China, the future prospects of the scientific work in China, the path of scientific workers, and the scientific achievements of the past year, We are all very much looking forward to, and in the general case, very interested in what our readers know .... ”As of the date of issue, we have received twenty blessings from our gentlemen, Content and direction of new science, scientific workers’ future tasks, or take a thesis dedicated articles, the former we have incorporated the “New China New Science” under the overall title, which we classified as “special Manuscript ”published. We are very grateful to all 20 gentlemen for enabling us to make a very rich and special issue on schedule. We hereby dedicate this special edition to our readers. We hope that our readers will accept this gift and step up their efforts in science in 1950 In the new China’s construction work, we bravely and enthusiastically serve as the vanguard and vanguard of the people. The above six words are the words of Chairman Mao, and we are following the leadership of him and the Chinese Communist Party. To move forward, we must keep from forgetting the great task Chairman Mao gave us in education and enlightenment, developing production, developing science, and gradually completing the new-democratic construction in new China.
目的 探讨一例体针结合揿针治疗顽固性呃逆患者的临床疗效.方法 取穴百会、神门、涌泉、三阴交、内关、中脘、足三里、攒竹、膻中、膈俞,实行补泻手法后,将揿针刺入攒竹、膻
目的 观察分析给予穿支动脉病变型脑梗死患者施以常规阿司匹林肠溶片、阿托伐他汀片联合尤瑞克林进行治疗对其临床疗效的影响及应用意义.方法 抽取的74例临床研究对象为本院2