Low-temperature Heat Capacities and Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrated Sodium Cupric Arsenate [NaC

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:frog1266
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Low-temperature heat capacities of the solid compound NaCuAsO4·1.5H2O(s)were measured using a precision automated adiabatic calorimeter over a temperature range of T=78 K to T=390 K.A dehydration process occurred in the temperature range of T=368-374 K.The peak temperature of the dehydration was observed to be TD=(371.828±0.146)K by means of the heat-capacity measurement.The molar enthalpy and entropy of the dehydration were ΔDHm=(18.571±0.142)kJ/mol and ΔDSm=(49.946±0.415)J/(K·mol),respectively.The experimental values of heat capacities for the solid(Ⅰ)and the solid-liquid mixture(Ⅱ)were respectively fitted to two polynomial equations by the least square method.The smoothed values of the molar heat capacities and the fundamental thermodynamic functions of the sample relative to the standard reference temperature 298.15 K were tabulated at an interval of 5 K. Low-temperature heat capacities of the solid compound NaCuAsO4 · 1.5H2O (s) were measured using a precision automated adiabatic calorimeter over a temperature range of T = 78 K to T = 390 KA dehydration process occurred in the temperature range of T = 368- 374 K. The peak temperature of the dehydration was observed to be TD = (371.828 ± 0.146) K by means of the heat-capacity measurement. The molar enthalpy and entropy of the dehydration were ΔDHm = (18.571 ± 0.142) kJ / mol and ΔDSm = (49.946 ± 0.415) J / (K · mol), respectively. The experimental values ​​of heat capacities for the solid (Ⅰ) and the solid-liquid mixture (Ⅱ) were respectively fitted to two polynomial equations by the least square method The smoothed values ​​of the molar heat capacities and the fundamental thermodynamic functions of the sample relative to the standard reference temperature 298.15 K were tabulated at an interval of 5 K.
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