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中华人民共和国宪法起草委员会关于宪法起草工作经过的报告中央人民政府委员会:中华人民共和国宪法起草委员会根据中国共产党中央委员会提出的「中华人民共和国宪法草案(初稿)」进行起草工作,从三月二十三日至六月十一日,历时八十一天,除开过收集和交换意见的非正式会议多次外,共开正式会七次,经过详细的周密的研究和讨论,通过了「中华人民共和国宪法草案」。在起草工作进行期间,中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会以及各大行政区、各省市的领导机关,各民主党派、各人民团体的地方组织和武装部队的领导机关,组织了各方面人士八千余人参加对「中华人民共和国宪法草案(初稿)」的讨论,在讨论中提出的修改意见共计五千九百余条,这些意见中有许多是合用的,对于起草工作给了重大的帮助。起草委员会所通过的「中华人民共和国宪法草案」,内分「序言」、「总纲」、「国家机构」、「公民的基木权利和义务」、「国旗、国徽、首都」五个部分;除「序言」部分外,共计条文一百零六条。这个「中华人民共和和团宪法草案」,我们认为是适当的。现在把这个草案提请中央人民政府委员会审查通过,并请在通过后予以公布,在全国人民中组织讨论,以便收集意见,再作修改,向第一届第一次全国人民代表大会提出关于宪法草案的报告。中华人民共和国宪法起草委员会一九五四年六月十一日 Report of the Constitution Drafting Committee of the People’s Republic of China on the Drafting of the Constitution Central People’s Government Committee: The Constitution Drafting Committee of the People’s Republic of China drafted the draft “Constitution of the People’s Republic of China (Draft Version)” proposed by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China From March 3 to June 11, it lasted for a total of 81 days. Apart from conducting informal meetings for gathering and exchanging views for many times, the formal meeting was held seven times. After careful and detailed study and discussion, the “Chinese people Republic Draft Constitution. ” During the drafting process, the CPPCC National Committee as well as the leading organs of various administrative regions, provinces and municipalities, the local organizations of various democratic parties and people’s organizations and the leading organs of the armed forces organized more than 8,000 people in various fields Participating in the discussion on the draft “Draft Constitution of the People’s Republic of China (Draft)”, a total of 5,900 suggestions for amendment were put forward during the discussion. Many of these opinions are combined and they have greatly helped drafting the work. The Draft Constitution of the People’s Republic of China adopted by the Drafting Committee consists of five sections: “Preface,” “General Outline,” “State Organization,” “Civil Rights and Obligations of Citizens,” and “National Flag, National Emblem and Capital.” In addition to the “Preface” section, there are a total of 106 articles. This “draft constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the League,” we think is appropriate. We now invite this draft to the Central People’s Government for review and adoption. After the passage, it is expected that the draft will be announced and discussions among the people of the whole country will be organized so that opinions can be collected and revisions can be made. The draft of the draft constitution can be submitted to the First National People’s Congress Report. Constitutional Drafting Committee of the People’s Republic of China June 11, 1954
机载警戒与控制系统AWACS(AirborneWarningandControlSystem)是美国新的兵力倍增器中最为重要的一个佼佼者。现在,它正好走过了1/4个世纪的历程。 Airborne Warning and Con