需要决定存在!需要是活力的真正源泉!工会维护农民工权益,必须研究农民工的需求何在?中铁大桥局工会在调查的基础上,运用美国心理学家马斯洛(Abraham h.maslow,1908-1970)所首创的“需要层次理论”,将农民工的需求由低到高分为三个层次——生存、发展、自我,并有针对性地为农民工搭建了由低到高“三级台阶”,实现了农民工维权工作的理论创新。
Need to determine the existence! Needs the real source of vitality! Trade Unions safeguard the rights and interests of migrant workers, migrant workers must study the needs of what? China Railway Bureau Bureau of trade unions in the investigation, based on the use of American psychologist Maslow (Abraham h. Maslow, 1908 -1970) pioneered the “theory of need level”, the demand for migrant workers from low to high is divided into three levels - survival, development, self, and targeted for migrant workers to build a low to high “three Level steps ”to achieve the theoretical innovation of migrant workers rights work.