
来源 :医疗装备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovezjx
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故障现象:开机面板上功能显示正常,传送带也能转动,但当人站在传送带上时,在人的重力下传送带不能转动。故障分析与检修:该故障是由于转轴的轴轮与轴芯之间的齿轮磨损,相互不能“咬合”,摩擦力不够,导致轴轮转动而轴芯不能带动传送带的缘故,主要是因为长期工作后,特 Symptom: The function on the front panel is normal and the conveyor belt can rotate. However, when the person is standing on the conveyor belt, the conveyor belt cannot rotate under the gravity of the person. Fault analysis and maintenance: The fault is due to the gear wear between the shaft and the shaft of the shaft, which cannot be “occluded” each other. The friction is not enough, causing the shaft to rotate but the shaft cannot drive the belt, mainly because of long-term work. After the special
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达川地区辖2市5县,61个区、390个乡镇(其中乡336个,镇54个),行政村3685个,幅员面积16591平方公里。1998年底,全区人口612.98万人,其中农业人口528.01万人,占87%,非农业人口84.97万人,占13%;非农业人口中在职职工 Dachuan District has jur
近年来,随着欧美、港台流行音乐的不断进入,京、穗、沪三地歌坛相继形成了不同的发展走势,大量的 CD、音带走进人们的文化生活。几乎在同时,有一群人在各地媒体登场,以音乐
Aim: To detect the changes in Bcl-2 gene expression in theapopototic process of spermatogenic cells in rat vasoligated andvasovasostomized, and to find out the
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