贾平凹 与天为徒,不敢不努力

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他对媒体保持着距离,绝大多数情况只接受电子邮件采访,他更倾向隐身于作品背后,这让他显得愈发神秘。《废都》让贾平凹成为了中国知识分子关照上个世纪九十年代的界碑。人们总想从他的作品去解读他的影子。2007年5月《当代》在全文刊发贾平凹的新作《高兴》时,用了一句评语:“一个不仅耐读,而且好读的贾平凹再次出山。”这既代表了人们一直想要读懂他的一种期望,也似在暗寓贾已经悟得了“看山还是山,看水还是水”的境界。听贾平凹25年后再说《废都》。 He kept a distance from the media, most cases only by e-mail interview, he is more inclined to stealth behind the works, which makes him even more mysterious. The “waste capital” made Jia Pingwa become the national monument to the Chinese intellectuals who took care of the nineties of the last century. People always want to interpret his shadow from his work. In May 2007, when “Contemporary” published Jia Pingwa’s new book “Happy” in the full text, he used a remark: “Jia Pingwa, who not only read but reads well, makes a comeback.” This represents not only people who want to read Understand one of his expectations, also seems to have been realized in the dark JIA “Look at mountains or mountains, water or water ” realm. Listen to Jia Pingwa 25 years later to say “waste capital.”
陈广元这个名字我二十多年前就已非常熟悉了。那是二十世纪八十年代中期,在一处经书交流店里,我买到了陈广元编写的 Chen Guangyuan the name I have been very familiar tw