
来源 :广州公共管理评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:c_zhang08
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庇护性就业模式作为一种针对智力、精神残疾人的就业模式,对促进残疾人的身体康复和就业培训产生了重要作用。工疗站是立足于社区、为精神病患者和智力残疾人提供以职业康复训练为主要形式的康复及庇护性就业的残疾人社会福利服务机构。本文以广州市番禺区康园工疗站为例,通过采用参与观察和深度访谈的调查方法,阐述工疗站的生存现状,并围绕政府、残联、企业、工疗站、残疾人等多元主体间的互动关系,进一步分析庇护性就业模式发展中面临的目标选择、政策制定、人力资源、课程实施等方面的困境。这些困境实际上折射出工疗站作为民办非企业单位进退两难的处境和政府在庇护性就业模式中部分职能缺失的问题。这启示我们反思政府“自上而下”的政策制定模式,探讨如何发挥政府在庇护性就业模式中的资源统筹和利益协调作用,为残疾人群体提供更优质的公共服务。 The sheltered employment pattern, as a model of employment for persons with intellectual or mental disabilities, has played an important role in promoting the physical rehabilitation and employment training of persons with disabilities. The treatment station is a social welfare service for persons with disabilities, which is based on the community and provides rehabilitation and sheltered employment for the mentally-disabled and mentally-disabled persons with the major forms of vocational rehabilitation training. Taking Panyu District Kangyuan Medical Station in Panyu District of Guangzhou as an example, this article elaborates the existing status quo of the medical station by using the methods of participation observation and in-depth interviews, and focuses on the multi-factors such as government, CDPF, enterprises, The interaction between the main body to further analyze the dilemma faced in the development of sheltered employment patterns such as target selection, policy formulation, human resources, curriculum implementation and so on. These difficulties actually reflect the treatment station as a private non-enterprise units dilemma and the government in sheltered employment mode part of the function of the problem. This suggests that we should reflect on the government's “top-down” policymaking model and explore ways to bring the government's resource coordination and interest coordination into play in the sheltered employment model so as to provide better public services to the disabled population.
本文分析了工伤认定中常见的误区,以期帮助职工正确认识工伤,提升自身的维权意识。 This article analyzes common misunderstandings in the identification of work-relat