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创作:李若杰蔡艳清时间:当代地点:广州军区某深山中的坐落人物:坐落守护人员老石(50多岁)老石的儿子小石头(20多岁)老石妻子(50岁)[幕启。黑场中。[起床号声响起,众多军人的出操声,队列声,口令声,报数声此起彼伏。由弱渐强,由强转弱。渐渐隐去——[场上光渐亮,舞台上有一组石桌石椅,后方的高平台正中竖立着一个旗杆。[老石一个人在跑步,口里高喊着口号。老石:一——二——三——四——一二三四——提高警惕,保卫祖国!锻炼身体,守好坐落!一二三四妻子:老石——老石:瞎喊什么?正出操呢,有什么事?报告!妻子:哦哦,报告石班长,中午想吃什么请指示。报告完毕!炊事员——你老婆。老石:立——定!就这么大点儿事,还要请示首长,炊事班你做主! Creation: Li RuoJie CaiYanQing Time: Contemporary Location: Guangzhou Military Region in the mountains of the people: the guardian of the old stone (50s) old stone son stone (20s) old stone wife (50) [Curtain. Blackground. [Wake up from the sirens, the voices of many soldiers in the operation, the queue sound, password sound, the number of reported one after another sound. From weak to strong, from strong to weaken. Gradually hidden - [light on the field gradually, the stage has a group of stone table chairs, the rear of the high platform is erected a flagpole. [Old stone is running, mouth shouting slogans. Old Stone: one - two - three - four - one two three four - to be vigilant and defend the motherland! Exercise, keep good place! One two three four wife: old stone - old stone: shouting what What are you doing now? Report! Wife: Oh oh, report the class leader. Please indicate what you want to eat at noon. The report is completed! Cook - your wife. Old stone: legislation - set! On such a big thing, but also ask the head, cooking class you call the shots!
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已婚闺蜜结伴寻“后备丈夫”     2006年元月的一天早上,北京海淀区一个酒店的总经理柳红脸色郁闷地来上班。她的好友、酒店的合伙人杨桃走过来问她:“你脸色不好,怎么了?”柳红叹了口气:“又和丈夫吵架了。”   时年35岁的柳红出生于河北农村,因家境贫寒,16岁时独自离家到天津打工。23岁时她与天津人周立结婚,次年生下女儿。周立只是普通工人,家境一般,令柳红苦恼不已。之后柳红与周立协议离婚,然后独
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