
来源 :山地学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jjx2777
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编者按 :西部开发是我国从地域结构上进行社会经济发展战略调整的重大举措。“西部”不只具有自然 -经济区位意义 ,它更代表了我国三级地貌地势结构的第一级———高海拔高原、山地占绝对优势的地貌域 ,从这个意义上说 ,西部开发也是山地开发。山地的最大特点是环境脆弱 ,对人类开发活动敏感、忍耐力低 ,生态系统易于受损、退化。因此 ,西部开发将面临严重的生态环境破坏、退化问题和艰巨的生态恢复、重建任务。无论是制定rrrrrrrrrn宏观的产业结构调整规划 ,还是具体的工程技术措施 ;无论是开发过程还是开发目标 ,西部开发都应持不同于中、东部特别是沿海地区开发的新思路、新途径、新措施、新技术。为此 ,本刊主办单位和本刊编辑部约请有关专家就西部开发战略与山地生态环境建设问题进行笔论 ,现将笔论内容摘要刊发。 Editor’s Note: The development of the western region is a major measure taken by China in its strategic restructuring of social and economic development from the geographical structure. In the sense that the development of the western region is also a mountainous area in the sense that the “western region” not only has the natural-economic regional significance, but also represents the first level of topographical structure of the three levels of geomorphology in our country --- the high-altitude plateau and the mountainous terrain. Development. The most prominent feature of the mountain area is its fragile environment, its sensitivity to human development activities, its low endurance, its vulnerability to ecosystem degradation and its degradation. Therefore, the development of the western region will face serious problems of ecological environment destruction, degradation and arduous ecological restoration and reconstruction. Whether it is to formulate a macroscopic plan for industrial restructuring or concrete engineering and technical measures, whether in the course of development or development, the development of the western region should hold a Different from the new ideas, new ways, new measures and new technologies developed in the central and eastern regions, especially in the coastal areas. To this end, the organizers and the editorial department of this magazine invited relevant experts on the development strategy of the western region and the issue of mountain eco-environment construction, the summary of the content is now published.
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