可持续发展自1972 年斯德哥尔摩联合国人类环境会议上首次提出后,逐渐得到全世界大多数国家的认同,并成为世纪之交各国政府关注的焦点和人类发展的战略趋向。但要实现可持续发展就必须进行一场深刻的思维方式的革命,即由传统的“功利型”思维模式向现代的“互利型”思维模式转变;必须实现经济与生态方法的有效结合;必须承认生态限制;必须实现发展战略的改变,并且将贫困问题置于异常重要的地位来妥善加以解决
Sustainable development, first proposed by the United Nations Conference on Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972, has gradually gained the recognition of most countries in the world and has become the focus of attention of all the governments at the turn of the century as well as a strategic trend of human development. However, in order to achieve sustainable development, we must carry out a profound revolution in the mode of thinking, that is, from the traditional “utilitarian” thinking mode to the modern “mutually beneficial” mode of thinking; the effective combination of economic and ecological approaches must be achieved; Recognition of ecological constraints; changes in development strategies must be achieved and the problem of poverty placed in an extremely important position to be properly addressed