加强多种形式国际合作 提升基础研究创新能力

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基础研究要面向世界,要坚持国际标准,这既是我们的共识,也是形势发展的要求。2000年全国基础研究工作会议通过的《关于加强基础研究工作的若干意见》明确指出:“要顺应基础研究的国际化趋势,把开展国际交流与合作作为提高研究水平的一条重要途径。”该文认为,作为信息与自动化领域的高技术研究所,自动化所始终将开展前瞻性的基础与应用基础研究、在本领域国际学术界占有一席之地作为自己的一项重要使命。始终重视在开展务实的国际合作中,促进自身的发展;在不断发展的过程中,开拓新的国际合作。1999年5月进入院知识创新工程以后,继续发扬研究所国际合作的优良传统,在国际合作与交流的形式、内容、深度和广度等多方面又有新的发展,为自动化所的基础研究注入了新的活力。 Basic research should be oriented to the world and adhere to international standards. This is not only our consensus but also the requirement for the development of the situation. The “Several Opinions on Strengthening Basic Research Work” passed by the 2000 National Basic Research Working Conference clearly states: “To follow the trend of internationalization of basic research, taking international exchanges and cooperation as an important way to improve the research level.” " The article believes that as a high technology institute in the field of information and automation, automation will always carry forward-looking basic and applied basic research, and take an important part in the international academic community in this field. We always attach importance to promoting our own development in carrying out pragmatic international cooperation. We must also explore new international cooperation in the process of continuous development. After entering the hospital knowledge innovation project in May 1999, the Institute continued to carry forward the fine tradition of international cooperation in research institutes and brought about new developments in the form, content, depth and breadth of international cooperation and exchange, injecting fundamental research into automation New vitality.
本文对 96例原发性肝癌 (PHC)患者血清AFP、CEA、SF、β2 -m、CA5 0水平进行了联合检测 ,现将结果报告如下。资料和方法一、临床资料 :肝病患者 15 3人 ,其中PHC96人 (男 87,女9) ,肝硬化 35人
人类数千年的文明史也可以说是一部人类交流、沟通、相融的历史,人类的进步离不开人类沟通方式的革命,它使世界变得越来越小。 The history of human civilization for thou
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目的 :以 99Tcm直接标记抗 CEA(癌胚抗原 )单克隆抗体Fab′片段——一种新的单克隆抗体显像剂探测结肠直肠癌复发与 1 8F- FDG(1 8F-氟代脱氧葡萄糖 ) PET作比较。方法 :2 8