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苏仁诺尔断隆带位于海拉尔盆地乌尔逊断陷北部,是晚白垩世以来隆升的断裂构造带,其轴向由北北东向转为北东东向,北东东段为收敛段,南西段为撒开段,中段弧顶向北西突出。晚侏罗世至早白垩世,该断裂带经历的构造应力作用方式由早、中期的右旋张扭转为晚期左旋压扭,局部构造和地层的发育时序及岩浆活动时序都有由收敛端向撒开端迁移的规律,因之使其油气成藏系统具有被弧形构造控制的特殊规律性。该断隆带处于烃源岩区,虽缺乏深埋条件,但岩浆活动造成了相对高古地热条件,使上侏罗统南屯组烃源岩成熟、大磨拐河组烃源岩低成熟,形成西部下气(二氧化碳及其它非烃气)上油而东部以油(低熟轻质油)为主的成藏系统,主要有4种成藏模式:侧向运移为主的披覆背斜型,双向运移断块型,垂向运移为主的逆牵引背斜型,侧向运移为主的滑陷背斜型。图3表2参6(王孝陵摘 The Suleannuoer fault belt is located in the northern part of the Wuerxun Depression in the Hailar Basin. It is a fault zone that has been uplifted since the Late Cretaceous. Its axis changes from north to north to east and northeast to east, , The southern section is spreading section, the middle section of the top of the arc to the northwest prominent. From Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, the tectonic stress mode experienced by the fault zone changed from early to mid-term dextral torsion to late-stage left-lateral compressional torsion. The local tectonic and stratigraphic developmental sequences and magmatism motions are characterized by convergent ends Caesarean section migration rule, so that its oil and gas accumulation system has been controlled by the arc structure of a special regularity. The fault belt is located in the source rock area. Although lack of deep burial conditions, the magmatism caused relatively high paleo-geothermal conditions, resulting in the maturation of the source rocks of the Upper Jurassic Nantun Formation and the low-maturity of the Damoguaihe Formation source rock There are mainly four kinds of hydrocarbon accumulation systems in the west: oil-bearing gas (carbon dioxide and other non-hydrocarbon gases) and oil (low-mature light oil) in the eastern part. There are mainly four types of draping anticlines Type, bi-directional migration fault block type, the vertical migration of the main anti-traction anticline, lateral migration-based slip-down anticline. Figure 3 Table 2 Reference 6 (Wang Xiaoling Abstract
在天山志留系、石炭系和东昆仑—西秦岭三叠系浊积岩系中,发现和系统描述遗迹化石23类,它们是:Acanthorhapheisp. (?)、Arthrophycus isp.、Aulichnites parkerensis、Chond