提高警惕 严防海盗

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海盗、过去诋是在十八、十九世纪小说中出现过.它所表现出骇人听闻的惊险场景竟会发生在二十世纪末期的海上,而且令驾驶员钢质巨轮的海员们谈虎色变,确实是人们不敢轻易相信的.但是近十年来各种传媒的有关报导,船东协会和国际海事组织专门为此召集会议,设立机构、采取对策,以及我国海员的亲身经历,都说明它的确实存在.目前,海盗已和偷渡、毒品走私、阴谋破坏及船舶劫持,同列为除航行安全以外的海上安全威胁. Pirates, formerly known as slanders, appeared in eighteenth and nineteenth-century fictions and show horrifying thrills that took place at sea in the late twentieth century, leaving the pilots of navigating the steel wheels of drivers to talk about change, indeed People dare not believe it.But in the past decade, various media reports that the shipowners’ associations and the International Maritime Organization have summoned meetings, set up institutions, and taken countermeasures as well as the personal experience of our seafarers all show that it really exists At present, pirates have been involved in smuggling, smuggling of drugs, sabotage and ship hijacking, all of which pose a maritime security threat other than navigational safety.
本省1955年國家經濟建設公債的推銷工作,由於各級黨政领导的重視和各有關部門的配合協作,經過比較廣泛深入的宣傳動員,廣大人民羣衆在团家社會主義各項建设成 In 1955, the
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