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弘扬公务员热爱祖国、忠于人民、求真务实、开拓创新、顾全大局、团结协作、恪尽职守、廉洁奉公的精神,是国家当前加强法治和道德建设的一项紧迫任务,也是政府顺应时代要求而提出来的重要课题。笔者认为,公务员精神是一种复合型精神,弘扬公务员精神应找准契合点。一、弘扬公务员精神应面对不同的职业,着力打造不仅能体现差异性又能反映共同性的行为准则1、公务员精神是一种针对不同职业所概括的公共职业精神。公务员也是一种职业,必须遵循最基本的职业操守和最起码的职业精神。依现行的《公务员法》的规定,我国公务员职业领域,已从原来的单一的行政机关拓宽到党委、司法和民主党派等七大机关。公务员所涵盖的机关原先都有各自的行为规范来反映相应的职 Carrying forward the spirit of civil servants’ love of the motherland, their loyalty to the people, seeking truth and being pragmatic, pioneering and innovating, taking overall consideration of the overall situation, unity and cooperation, dedication and honesty into account is an urgent task for the state to strengthen the rule of law and morality at present and is also proposed by the government in response to the requirements of the times An important issue. In my opinion, the spirit of the civil service is a complex spirit, and the promotion of civil servants should find a suitable meeting point. First, carry forward the spirit of the civil service Should face different occupations, and strive to create not only reflect the differences but also reflect the common code of conduct 1, the spirit of the civil service is a generalized for different occupations of the public professionalism. Civil servants are also professions and must abide by the most basic ethics and minimum professionalism. According to the existing “Civil Servant Law,” our civil service occupational field has been broadened from the original single administrative organ to seven major organs including the party committees, the judiciary and the democratic parties. Organizations covered by civil servants originally had their own code of conduct to reflect the corresponding positions
空气质量指数计算方法是目前全国各城市空气质量重要信息发布的基础,广泛应用于城市空气自动监测的空气质量评价。依据《HJ 633-2012环境空气质量指数(AQI)技术规定(试行)》
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