培育芝麻高产群体是提高芝麻产量的基础。1980年以来,我们结合芝麻新品种高产示范,在平舆、镇平、淮阳、南阳等示范区,就培育亩产170斤左右的芝麻高产群体进行了大量的调查与定点试验。供试品种为豫芝一号、河南一号、中芝七号等,现就有关调查与研究结果整理于下。一、芝麻高产群体的主要指标 (一)生育期和生长量芝麻全生育期大体分为前中后三个时期和六个阶段。在适时播种的情况下,生育前期(播种至初花期)历时45天左右,其中播种
Cultivating sesame high-yielding population is the basis for raising sesame yield. Since 1980, we have carried out a large number of surveys and sentinel experiments on high-yielding sesame cultivars with a yield of about 170 kg per mu in the demonstration areas of Pingyu, Zhenping, Huaiyang and Nanyang. Test varieties for the Yuichi No. 1, Henan No. 1, Zhongzhi No. 7, etc., are now on the investigation and research results in the next order. First, the main indicators of high-yield groups of sesame (A) the growth and growth Sesame full growth period can be divided into three periods and six stages before, during and after. In the case of timely sowing, pre-breeding (sowing to flowering) lasted about 45 days, of which sowing