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编辑同志: 我们寿光市岔河镇实行乡镇企业财会人员委派制,改变了过去那种企业放任自流,政府缺乏监督的局面,进一步理顺了政企关系。 长期以来,许多地方政府与企业之间曾有一种“一统就死,一放即乱”的尴尬关系,严重制约了企业的发展和政府职能的发挥。岔河镇从改革乡镇企业财会制度入手寻求突破,探索出了一条乡镇企业改革的新路子。首先,改变企业财会人员的隶属关系。将全镇所有企业主管会计、现金会计和记帐员的人员关系全部收归镇经贸委,由镇经贸委统一组织考试和政审,合格者颁发任职资格证书,并逐人建立档案,然后根据实际需要下派到各企业。镇经贸 Editorial comrades: We implemented the appointment system for financial personnel of township and village enterprises in Luohe Township, Shouguang City, which changed the past situation in which enterprises were letting themselves go and the government lacked supervision, further smoothing the relationship between government and enterprises. For a long time, many local governments and enterprises once had a ambiguous relationship of “come in one place, they were dead, they were in a mess,” which severely restricted the development of enterprises and the functioning of government functions. Luohe Town began to seek breakthroughs by reforming the accounting system of township and township enterprises and explored a new way for the reform of township and village enterprises. First, change the affiliation of corporate accounting personnel. All the personnel relations of accounting, cash accounting, and bookkeepers of all enterprises in the town shall be transferred to Zhenjiang Economic and Trade Commission. The town economic and trade commission shall uniformly organize examinations and political examinations. Qualified persons shall be issued qualification certificates and files shall be created for each person, and then be based on actual conditions. Need to send to various companies. Town Economics
轻质墙板是否能安装在外斜面墙上。最近安徽安庆欧派格公司生产的AO板在合肥新华学院教学大楼的建造中给出了肯定的答案。 Whether the light wall can be installed on th
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