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去年,全省法院系统开展的“群众满意年”活动取得了明显成果。今年新年伊始,全省法院工作会议又提出了坚持以司法公正为主线,以法院改革为途径,全面开展创建人民满意法院活动,力争在四五年内把全省70%的法院基本上建成人民满意法院的工作目标和总体思路。同时确定,为了实现这一时期的工作目标,今年乃至今后一个时期在全省法院系统集中开展“创建人民满意法院”活动。就这一活动的开展,最近,省高级人民法院院长蔡彰接受了记者的采访。记者采访的话题是从如何开展“创建人民满意法院”活动开始的。蔡彰院长介绍说,去年,省法院向全省人民作出了“做让党放心法官,建人民满意法院”的重要承诺,并将1998年确定为“群众满意年”。通过集中开展教育整顿,以查处案件为切入口,以解决人民群众对法院最不满意 Last year, the “Year of Satisfaction of the masses” launched by the court system of the province has achieved remarkable results. At the beginning of this year’s new year, the work conference of the provincial courts also proposed to adhere to the principle of justice as the main line, taking the reform of the court as a way to comprehensively carry out the activity of creating people’s satisfaction with the court and strive to basically satisfy the needs of the people in 70% of the province’s courts within four or five years Court’s work objectives and general ideas. In the meantime, in order to achieve the goal of work during this period, a system of “creating people’s satisfaction courts” will be set up in the court system throughout the province this year and beyond. In carrying out this activity, Cai Chang, governor of the Provincial Higher People’s Court recently accepted an interview with reporters. The topic of reporter’s interview starts from how to carry out the activity of “creating people’s satisfaction court”. Cai Chang explained that last year, the provincial court made an important commitment to the people throughout the province to “make the party feel comfortable with the judges and build the people’s satisfaction with the courts.” And 1998 was set as the “Year of Mass Satisfaction.” Through focusing on education and rectification, investigating and prosecuting cases as the entrance point to solve the people’s most dissatisfaction with the courts
作者介绍了白内障手术的三种併发症,即手术时玻璃状体脱出,术后由于玻璃状体索条嵌顿在切口内所引起的偏斜瞳孔和虹膜与部分或全部角膜伤口后面粘连(前粘连)的处理办法。 T
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白内障摘出术后,当玻璃状体粘着于角膜 后面,角膜可发生 水肿混浊,继以大泡性角膜炎合併青光眼,终致失明疼痛。这种少见但极重要的白内障术后 After cataract extraction,