In 1958, our team made great achievements in the great leap forward of pit exploration. The average work efficiency of the integrated platform increased from 1.1 meters to 1.8 meters in 56 years, an increase of 78% over 56 years and an increase of 76% over 57 years. . Various kinds of tunnels have also been significantly improved over the 57 years. The work efficiency of the roadway has been increased by 43%, the efficiency of the patio has been increased by 61%, that of the blinds has increased by 66% and that of the inclined shafts has been doubled. In the whole year, the average working efficiency roadway reached 1.9 meters, the patio reached 2.2 meters and the blind reached 1.25 meters. The average maximum effective cold air hole 2.78 meters. Pit exploration technology has greatly advanced the level of a step forward. This is mainly under the correct leadership of the party. After a great rectification campaign, the workers’ social awareness has been greatly enhanced and their ownership has been mastered. Their enthusiasm for work has been on an all-time high and their brains are being actively explored. They have tried their best to improve the seven-eye straight line Cutting blasting operation technology, reducing the air gun, blind artillery, improved blasting efficiency.