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近日,唐山华联商厦被中宣部、中央文明办、国家经贸委等6部门命名为今年全国“百城万店无假货”活动示范店。这是唐山市唯一获此殊荣的企业。几年来,唐山华联商厦坚持以打假治劣、净化市场为己任,不断加强诚信商德建设。早在开业之初的1996年,商厦针对当时市场上假冒伪劣商品泛滥,消费者权益得不到有效保障的状况,克服了来自商厦内外的重重压力,果断对自身的经营方式进行了改革,将当时很多人奉为企业生财之道的230多家名不副实的进店厂家全部清出商厦,使之成为全市首家全部实现自营的国有大型商场。1996年4月,华联商厦又以营造购物放心店为宗旨,率先在唐山市流通领域推出“经营商品全部保真,如有假冒退一赠二,举报者予以重奖”的公开承诺,并被唐山市政府命名为全市首家保真商场。1997年,商厦又将保真商场进一步推向深入。规定对经营的针纺、服装类商品、进口家电类商品必须 Recently, Tangshan Hualian mansion was named by the Central Propaganda Department, the Central Civilization Office, the State Economic and Trade Commission and other six departments named this year’s “one hundred cities without fake store” demonstration site. This is the only company in Tangshan City that has won this award. Over the past few years, Tangshan Hualian Commercial Building adhere to the fight against fraud, purifying the market as its mission, and constantly strengthen the integrity of business ethics. As early as the beginning of its operation in 1996, the commercial community, in response to the proliferation of fake and shoddy goods on the market at that time and the lack of effective protection of consumers’ rights and interests, overcame the heavy pressure from both inside and outside the commercial buildings and decisively changed its mode of operation. At that time, a lot of people regarded as a means of making a living for their businesses. More than 230 unnamed importers entered the commercial buildings, making it the first state-owned large-scale shopping mall in the city to realize self-operation. In April 1996, Hualian Commercial Building also set up a shop with assured shopping as its purpose. It took the lead in introducing the open promise of “all fidelity of merchandise in operation, fake rebates and donations, and whistleblowers awarded” in the circulation field of Tangshan City. Tangshan city hall was named the first fidelity shopping malls. In 1997, commercial mall and further fidelity shopping malls further in-depth. Provisions on the business of knitting, apparel products, household appliances must be imported
篇名G80 0 5作者 (期 页 )贯彻“三个代表” ,抓好“三个环节” , 借助“三会两湖” ,努力开创新世纪、 新阶段群众体育工作的新局面张发强 (0 6 0 1 )……………………国
通过对黄浦江上游水源污染的现状分析,提出了借鉴英国泰晤士河治理经验,理顺现有对黄浦江的管理体制,实行全流域管理的新思路。 Based on the analysis of the current situ