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全国人大常委会委员、著名经济学家厉以宁日前在北京说:“中国经济改革的成功必须取决于产权制度改革的成功,也就是企业改革的成功。” 他是在八届人大常委会第八次会议中,谈对当前经济形势的看法时这样说的。 厉以宁认为,在企业改革未取得实质性进展时就匆匆放开价格,必然引起通货膨胀。企业不但得不到实惠,且会感到更加困难。价格放开的好处全被中间环节拿走了。政府部门使用行政手段遏制通货膨胀,是治标而非治本。治本的措施在于进行企 Li Yining, member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and a well-known economist, said in Beijing a few days ago: “The success of China’s economic reform must depend on the success of the reform of the property rights system, that is, the success of corporate reform.” He was the eighth time in the Standing Committee of the Eighth People’s Congress. During the meeting, I said this when talking about the current economic situation. Li Yining believes that rushing to release prices when corporate reforms have not made substantial progress will inevitably cause inflation. Businesses will not only get no benefit, but will feel more difficult. The benefits of price liberalization were all taken away by intermediate links. The use of administrative measures by government departments to curb inflation is a symptom rather than a cure. The measure to cure this problem lies in the
我们常用thesame(as),different(from),similar(to),like,alike,unlike表示“相同”或“不相同”。例如:We’vereached the same conclusions,although our approach was dif
Abigail Kathleen Breslin,is an Academy Award-nominated1 American actress.The fourth youngest actress ever to be nominated for a competitive Academy Award,Bresli
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女士们、先生们,你们好: 首先,我想以西班牙电子工业协会(ANIEL)的名义感谢各位的出席。 参加’94北京西班牙工业技术博览会的西班牙电子公司有30多家。这些公司都有与中国